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6 Helpful Tips To Get Rid Of Dark Circles

By: Kratika Maheshwari Sat, 04 Feb 2023 3:28:43

6 Helpful Tips To Get Rid of Dark Circles

The wedding season is here, and despite the chilly Winter, there is no dearth of glamour. However, long hours and insufficient nutrition can make our skin dull and result in dark circles below our eyes. There's no denying that wearing the right makeup will help you look your best by covering scars or blemishes, but nothing compares to having skin that is naturally glowing and healthy-looking.

Dark circles can develop for a variety of reasons, such as inherited facial features, hyperpigmentation, allergies, stress, eye fatigue, and unique skin characteristics like texture. They frequently come with under-eye bags, which only serve to make you appear exhausted.

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# Drink water

Cut back on flavourings in beverages, liquor, and salt because they can both dry out your skin and make your eyes puffy. Stay hydrated by drinking at least 2 litres of water throughout the day. Shadowy circles and puffy eyes can be avoided by drinking enough water.

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# Nutritious diet

Adding vitamin-rich foods like K, C, A, and E to your diet can help get rid of dark circles under your eyes. You can also include fresh fruits, pulses, and vegetables such as watermelon, tomatoes, berries, fresh greens, broccoli, kidney beans, and cucumber. Also, try eating a diet with less salt. Salt makes your body hold on to water, which can make your skin look puffy.

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# Get enough sleep

If you don't get enough sleep, your skin may look pale, which will make your dark circles stand out more. Getting more sleep is a simple way to help lessen dark circles under the eyes, no matter what caused them. Napping isn't enough for keeping your eyes bright. It also helps your body repair damage to your skin cells.

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# Moisturizer

Use a hydrating mask or a moisturizing under-eye gel serum to keep the area around your eyes moist. Choose an under-eye gel serum that is made to get rid of dark circles, puffy eyes, eye bags, and fine lines while also making the skin around your eyes firmer, smoother, and brighter

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# Sunscreen

Damage from the sun can make the skin under your eyes thinner, which can lead to dark circles and puffiness. Use sunscreen every time you go outside to protect the sensitive skin that surrounds your eyes and the remainder of your body. You could include a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes even more from harmful UV rays

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# Teabags for a soothing effect

Why simply throw out one used tea bag when you can still use them? Just put them in the fridge and put them in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes. When they are completely frozen, start taking people out and putting them over one's eyes for a while. If you do the same thing each day for a week, you'll notice a change.

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