7 Amazing Beauty Benefits Of Bay Leaves
By: Kratika Maheshwari Mon, 13 Sept 2021 6:39:23
Bay leaves are the leaves known for their medicinal properties. They protect our body against oxidative stress and provide benefits like managing diabetes, improving cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation, reducing respiratory problems, and optimizing digestion.
Bay leaves are generally added in their whole form as a flavoring for certain Italian or Indian dishes. When used as a whole leaf, they are often removed from dish prior to consuming or used as a garnish.
# Reduces Hair Fall
Bay leaves strengthen our hair and reduce the risk of hair fall.Vitamin C, vitamin A, and other antioxidants in bay leaves protect our hair and scalp from oxidative damage.
This strengthens our hair follicles and reduces the risk of hair fall.Beta-carotene and protein in bay leaves strengthen our hair and reduces hair fall risk.Other nutrients like zinc, potassium, magnesium, and B vitamins, etc in bay leaves also play an important role in controlling hair fall.
# Nourish Damaged Hair
Vitamins and minerals present in the bay leaves provide nourishment to our hair and scalp and protects them from damage.
Antioxidants like vitamin C, and other compounds like flavonoids, etc in bay leaves protect our hair from free radical damage and reduces premature greying of hair, hair fall, split ends, hair dryness, and other signs of aging. Bay leaves restore moisture in the hair follicles and strengthen them.
# Prevents Hair Greying
It’s common to see our hair greying as we age. However, multiple factors such as pollution, stress, bad eating habits, and poor lifestyle choices may cause premature greying of hair.
Bay leaves protect our hair from premature greying of hair as they contain vitamin C, and other antioxidant compounds like flavonoids, etc.These compounds protect our hair and scalp from free radical damage and reduce signs of premature aging such as premature greying of hair, hair fall, split end, and hair damage, etc.B vitamins in bay leaves strengthen and nourish our hair, and delays the hair greying process.
# Manages Frizzy Hair
Bay leaves help in managing frizzy hair. For this, boil bay leaves in water to make a concoction. Let it cool, and use it as a hair rinse after shampooing and conditioning of hair.
# For Conditioning Dry Hair
Bay leaves help sin conditioning dry hair.For this, boil some bay leaves with coconut oil for few minutes, and let it come to room temperature.
Once cooled, gently massage this mixture on hair and scalp, and let it dry for 30 minutes.Regular use deep conditions our hair and prevents hair dryness.
# Protects Hair From Chemical Damage
Toxins, pollutants, and other unwanted substances present in the atmosphere damage our hair.
With the regular damage, our hair becomes weak, and it increases problems such as premature greying of hair, hair fall, split end, hair dryness, etc.Bay leaves protect our hair and scalp from the damage caused by toxins, pollutants, and other harmful chemicals.
Vitamins and minerals in bay leaves nourish our hair and scalp and keep our hair and scalp healthy.It strengthens our hair follicles and reduces the risk of hair fall.
# Improves Hair Thickness
The beta-carotene and protein present in the bay leaves improve hair thickness and strengthen them.Nutrients in bay leaves provide nourishment to hair and add natural shine to them.