7 Ways You Can Easily Get Rid Of Dandruff
By: Kratika Maheshwari Sun, 06 Feb 2022 09:17:22
If you are irritated and annoyed with excess dandruff and you want to get rid of dandruff, it is time to change your hair game forever.
The reasons you scalp become so dry in winter because it does not get the necessary moisture to stay hydrated instead of becoming flaky. Also, in winter people do not drink enough water to stay hydrated and this leads to dry skin and you can see the exact dryness on your scalp as well.
The question you are looking for is how to get rid of dandruff? And what is the cause of dandruff? So, today we will share some major causes of dandruff, and after knowing these causes, you can easily get rid of dandruff.
One of the most common issue people face during dandruff is hair fall. But what is dandruff and how you can get rid of dandruff by understanding the cause of dandruff?
In medical term, dandruff is called seborrheic dermatitis. This condition is linked to dandruff flakes with your scalp. Most people think dandruff occurs on your scalp only, but it can occur on your eyelids, nose, eyebrows, chest, ears, and your face.
When it comes to babies, we use the term cradle cap instead of seborrheic dermatitis. To find the best dandruff cure, you just need to understand the cause of dandruff if you understand this, you can easily get rid of your dandruff problem.
# Hair shampoo with salicylic acid
Hair shampoos that contain salicylic acids are helpful to decrease the flaky scalp. There are some products available that are mild for your scalp and do not contain any harsh chemicals.
# Hair shampoo with selenium sulfide
This types of shampoos are helpful to tackle the flaky skin and dandruff because selenium sulfide contains agents that help to reduce dandruff. In case you have coloured your hair, this type of shampoos can lead to discolouration.
# Hair shampoo with ketoconazole
This type of shampoo is helpful to kills yeast that causes dandruff in your scalp. You can use this type of shampoo once or two times a week depending upon your dandruff.
# Hair shampoo with zinc pyrithione shampoo
This type of shampoo contains antifungal and antibacterial properties. Both these ingredients help to reduce dandruff related problems.
# Hair shampoo with coal tar
This type of shampoo contains ingredients that are good to reduce the flake off process. People who cannot use bear sunlight should avoid this type of shampoo because this shampoo contains ingredients that can make your skin even more sensitive to sunlight and it may also lead to discolouration, in case you have lighter colour hair.
# Hair shampoo with tree tea oil
This type of shampoo is helpful to treat problems like ringworm, dandruff and athlete’s foot. It is advisable to not use tree tea oil alone because in some cases this can harm your skin/scalp.
# Boost your scalp with moisture
You can use hydrating oils, hair masks, homemade hair masks to give your scalp that moisture it is lacking. Also, drinking an adequate amount of water even in winters is helpful to keep you hydrated and reduce the dryness of your skin and scalp.