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8 Ways To Take Care Of Your Skin This Winters

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 07 Jan 2023 2:56:14

8 Ways To Take Care of Your Skin This Winters

The winter comes around faster than you expect. This is the time of year that the skin dries out and can feel aged. It doesn’t matter how wet your climate is. You can start to feel tight areas along your body and face, and you’re more likely to break out in acne or rashes.

Sure, there are plenty of winter skin care products on the market, but what if you want something natural? The store-bought options are full of toxins and chemicals that dry out your skin further.

The good news is your kitchen cupboards, and fridge will likely already have all the winter skin care remedies you need.

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# Start with the Olive Oil

Before you pull out anything else, grab the olive oil from your cupboard. Other oils will work, but olive oil is one of the best because of its natural antioxidants. You just need a little to pour on your hands, and you can rub it into your skin.

This can replace your normal moisturizer if you want, but it can also work with your store-bought options. Either way, you will gain more moisture deep into the layers of your skin. It will get right into your pores to encourage your natural oil production.

There are antibacterial and antiviral properties within theolive oil. These both help to care against rashes and other skin irritations on your skin. Of course, the moisturizing benefits will also help you avoid some skin conditions from flaring up, which is common in the winter months.

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# Coconut Oil Is Another Strong Option

If you’ve tried the olive oil and don’t feel much benefit, opt for coconut oil instead.This is one of the few types of oil better than olive oil. Coconut oil is full of antibacterial and antioxidant properties in higher amounts than the first one on this list.

Like with olive oil, just a little is needed to soak deep into the pores. Coconut oil also tends to be easier to use, since it’s in a solid form at room temperature. If you want it even more solid and more like cream to apply then you can pop it in the fridge for a while.

Coconut oil will take longer to soak into your skin, which is something to be aware of. It’s very easy to use too much, and you may find you need to wash it off afterward. Leave it on for at least 15 minutes to help the pores soak as much of the oil in as possible.

Also like olive oil, this is an oil that can be mixed with other ingredients. It’s a common base ingredient and can also be turned into bath bombs for nourishing baths during the winter.

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# Use Milk or Milk Cream

Milk or milk cream is a highly effective way to exfoliate your dry skin and add more proteins. The skin needs proteins to help with the collagen production. Collagen aids in the elasticity of your skin, reducing the risk of tearing and scarring.

Milk cream is useful for preserving your skin’s normal pH levels. During the winter, the hormones can end up unbalanced, which can lead to changing pH levels. You’re more likely to experience more skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis.

Milk as an active ingredient will help to soothe skin issues and provide anti-inflammatory benefits. By reducing the inflammation in the skin, you can remove the itchy feelings. It’s possible to forget about the condition, instead of scratching and making it worse. There are also exfoliating benefits, as the lactic acid in milk will remove the dead skin cells quickly and efficiently.

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# Start Using Honey on a Daily Basis

During the winter, you want to pull out the honey to use on your skin. Sure, the substance is sticky, but it’s also a natural moisturizer. Outside of oil, it’s one of the best natural moisturizers in the world. There are a powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial benefits from the use of honey, helping to clear up infections, fight against future infections, and improve the look of skin from age spots.

Winter sun does exist. While the rays are weaker than summer sun, the winter sun can cause skin damage. Using ingredients that are full of antioxidants will help to reduce the damage. The antioxidants fight against the free radicals that are in the body causing the cells to die and become damaged.

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# Make a Yogurt Mask or Moisturiser

You know that yogurt is good for your gut, but did you know it’s also great for your skin? It’s full of extra-hydrating benefits, as well as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. As soon as you apply yogurt to your skin, you will feel the itchiness from dry skin conditions subside. You get this cooling feeling, especially if you’re using yogurt fresh out of the fridge.

Like with milk, yogurt is also full of lactic acid and proteins. Your collagen production is supported to keep your skin’s elasticity supported. The lactic acid will help to exfoliate the pores and remove any bacteria or germs building up. Getting bacteria in the dry skin is likely to cause bad acne, especially during the winter.

Use yogurt that doesn’t have extra sugar in it. The sugars will disrupt your hormonal balance and lead to more acne.

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# Pull Out the Almond Oil

Almond oil is the third and last oil on our list. If you are allergic to almonds, do not use almond oil!

While coconut oil and olive oil offer antioxidants and antibacterial benefits, almond oil offer vitamin E., This is the best lubricant for dry skin conditions and will also help to fight against the free radicals in your body.

One of the best things about almond oil is the lack of greasy texture. You won’t feel like you’ve used oil on your skin, as it soaks right into your pores without leaving aresidue. It also takes less time out of the three oils to soak in, meaning you can use it first thing in a morning before you have work.

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# Grab the Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plants are a must in any home wanting more herbal remedies. Aloe vera is full of skin repairing benefits. It’s an antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial treatment. The gel from the plant is also highly moisturizing, helping to prevent flaking when your dry skin condition flares up.

You can get aloe vera gel over the counter. However, watch out for the brands. They can add extra ingredients, including various toxins and chemicals. You can get it naturally by growing the plant and cutting open the leaves. Just a little bit of gel will go a long way.

Apply the gel directly onto your skin. Leave it there for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

If you have a problematic area in your skin, use a little extra and leave it on that little bit longer to soak in fully. You’ll find the condition repairs relatively quicker than with any other home remedy.

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# Don’t Just Eat the Oatmeal

You get oatmeal for a healthy diet, but it is also good for winter skin care. It’s one of the best options for skin conditions and is perfect if you have chicken pox and other rashes!

Oatmeal is a high protein treatment that will help to get deep into your pores and increase collagen production. At the same time, it’s full of anti-inflammatory properties to help instantly soothe the condition.

The oatmeal doesn’t stop there. It creates a barrier over your skin. Water can’t get out, and impurities can’t get in. There’s a barrier to prevent more irritation while soothing the itch from within. Your oatmeal will help to improve the overall health of your skin.

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