5 Beauty Benefits Of Chia Seeds

By: Shweta Wed, 13 May 2020 2:21:28

5 Beauty Benefits of Chia Seeds

Did you think you could only reap the benefits of chia seeds by incorporating them into your snacks and meals? Chia seeds are increasingly becoming the go-to ingredient in the menu of the health conscious. The seeds which were once believed to have been a staple in ancient Aztec and Mayan diets are fast becoming the superfood of today.

Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from a species of flowering plant in the mint family, Salvia hispanica, commonly known as chia.An excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they provide fibre, iron, and calcium; despite their small size, chia seeds are full of important nutrients.

Chia seeds are relatively easy to find in any major grocery store. They have a mild, nutty flavour.Raw, they can be sprinkled on cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothies. They can also be eaten cooked, added to baked goods like bread and muffins. They can also be used as an egg substitute in vegan baking. Not only this, you can also use chia seeds topically as an ingredient in face and hair mask to get the beauty benefits of

Here is how chia can help your hair, skin and body experience the beauty benefits both inside and out!

chia seeds,beauty benefits of chia seeds,beauty tips,skin care tips,beauty tips

* Controls hair loss

Chia seeds contain a decent amount of protein.Our hair, just like chia, is full of protein, which is necessary to keep it strong and thick. Chia seeds are a nutritional powerhouse containing 20% more protein than soy beans, plus added Omega-3’s that are critical to help prevent hair loss. Chia seeds create a gel like consistency when mixed with water which can help hydrate your hair and promote luscious locks.

* Moisturizes and heals the skin

Chia seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that make your skin moisturized.They are also helpful in controlling the skin redness that happens due to acne.The Omega-3 fatty acids in chia can help aid the healing process of irritated blemish wounds, as well as protect the outer layer of skin from bacteria.Omega-3 fatty acids also reduce inflammation and dryness and increase circulation leading to a healthy and glowing skin.

* Has anti-aging properties

Chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants that prevent the appearance of aging signs and make you look young. Antioxidants are essential for your health.They help your cells defend against free radicals which can damage cell molecules and contribute to aging and diseases like cancer.

chia seeds,beauty benefits of chia seeds,beauty tips,skin care tips,beauty tips

You can use chia to make quick hair and face masks for added benefits:

Face Mask:

Exfoliate your pores with a refreshing 3 ingredient face mask and rejuvenate your face before you tackle the day. This mask will moisturize dry, sun-kissed skin. Mix 2 tablespoon chia seeds with ½ a cup of organic coconut oil and 1 teaspoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice. Apply mask to face, avoiding contact with eyes. Leave it on to set for 5-10 minutes to allow the chia seeds to create a gel like consistency.Massage your face with a damp, warm washcloth moving in circular motions to exfoliate skin and rinse off face with warm water. Use a clean towel to pat dry.

Hair Mask:

Mix 6 tablespoon of organic coconut oil with 1 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, ¾ cup of natural honey, and 1 tablespoon of chia seeds. Mix all the ingredients and apply to freshly shampooed hair carefully avoiding the scalp. Let it sit for 3-5 minutes and rinse off with cool water. Apple cider vinegar adds glossiness to your hair, coconut oil provides conditioning, chia seeds hydrate your locks, and honey makes them smooth and soft.
Despite all of its miraculous properties, it is essential to highlight the importance of mixing chia seeds into another food or liquid before consuming, especially for people with a history of swallowing problems. Small children should not be given chia seeds.

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