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Different Ways To Use Orange To Get Glowing Skin

By: Kratika Thu, 25 Aug 2022 1:57:56

Different Ways To Use Orange To Get Glowing Skin

Orange, the powerhouse of Vitamin C, is not just good for our health, but also work wonders for our skin. It actually has multiple benefits for our skin. Orange helps in combating acne, premature aging of skin, uneven skin tone, dull skin etc. Here in this article, we are going to discuss how to use orange for glowing skin. Orange is commonly available in winter, which makes it a must have in our winter skin care regime. As we know, winter is very harsh on our skin and if not taken care of, our skin can get dry, dull, itchy. However, having orange in your pantry makes it easy for you to get rid of winter skin woes and restore healthy, glowing skin. Find out below how to use orange for glowing skin.

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# Apply Orange Juice

Juice a fresh orange and collect it in a bowl. Take two tbsp orange juice and dilute it in a tbsp water. Apply it on the face with the help of a cotton ball. Massage in circular motion with your finger tips for few minutes and wait for another 10-12 minutes before washing off with plain water. Repeat twice or thrice in a week. This the the easiest way to use orange for glowing skin.

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# Orange Juice and Rose Water for Glowing Skin

Take one tsp each of fresh orange juice and rose water and mix together. Apply the resultant mixture all over the face with a cotton ball and gently massage with fingertips for some time. Wait for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with fresh water. Reapply this face pack with orange for glowing skin twice or thrice in a week.

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# Orange Peel Powder, Coconut Oil and Milk Cream for Glowing Skin

Take a tbsp orange peel powder and mix it with a tsp each of milk cream and coconut oil. Prepare a paste and apply it evenly all over the face and neck. Gently massage the skin with your fingertips in circular motions. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes before washing off with plenty of water. Reapply this face pack with orange for glowing skin twice or thrice weekly.

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# Orange Juice and Honey for Glowing Skin

Prepare a face pack by combining a tbsp of raw honey and some fresh orange juice. Apply the resultant mixture all over the face as well as neck. Leave it on the skin for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with plain water. Reapply this remedy with orange for glowing skin twice weekly.

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# Orange Juice and Aloe Vera for Glowing Skin

Take 2 tsp of pure aloe vera gel and add a tsp of fresh orange juice to that. Mix together and massage the resultant mixture on to your face as well as neck with the help of your fingertips. Let it stay on the skin for 10-15 minutes and then, wash off with plain water. Repeat this remedy with orange for glowing skin 2-3 times in a week.

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