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Home Made Kiwi Face Mask For Instant Glowing Skin

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Wed, 13 Nov 2019 1:36:23

Home Made Kiwi Face Mask For Instant Glowing Skin

Next time you hear people saying that it costs a huge sum to look beautiful, just tell them to check their fruit basket! Yes, the secret lies there!

With a wide variety of fruits in it, your fruit basket is all you need for a glowing and radiant skin. Oranges, bananas, apples, melons, and almost every fruit that you can name are a powerhouse to your beauty regime. Not to forget in this list is kiwi, one incredible fruit with a host of nutrients that will make your skin glow.

home made kiwi face mask,kiwi face mask,face mask for instant glowing skin,skin care tips,home remedies,beauty tips


Kiwi – 1 piece
Banana – 1 piece
Plain yogurt – 1 tablespoon
Bowl and fork or blender


* Scoop out the flesh from a kiwifruit and put it in a bowl.

* Mash the pulp well with a fork.

* Add 1 peeled banana to the kiwi and smash it.

home made kiwi face mask,kiwi face mask,face mask for instant glowing skin,skin care tips,home remedies,beauty tips

* Add 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt to the kiwi-banana mixture.

* Mix the ingredients thoroughly to form a smooth paste.

* Remove all makeup and rinse your face.

* Spread the kiwi facial mask evenly on your face.

* Apply a damp paper towel if needed to keep the mask in place.

* Allow the nutrients to penetrate for 20–30 minutes.

* Gently wipe the mask off using a soft washcloth soaked in warm water.

* Fully rinse your skin with water and pat dry.

* Apply a basic moisturizer (without exfoliants) and add sunscreen on top during the day.

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