Suffering From Problem Of Warts On Skin? Get Rid Of Them With These Tips
By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 24 Jan 2020 2:03:54
Warts are one of the most common skin problems that can appear anywhere on the body, but they are most commonly found on the hands and feet. They can grow in clusters or singly and have a rough skin surface; sometimes a black spot is visible in the middle of it.
There are many different kinds of warts. The most common include common warts, flat warts, and plantar warts. In most cases, warts tend to disappear within a period of 6 months to 2 years. But as they can be source of embarrassment, you can get rid of them sooner by using simple home remedies.
* Garlic
- Crush a garlic clove and apply it on the affected area. Cover it with a bandage.
- Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wash the area thoroughly.
- Repeat this treatment twice daily for about a week. The caustic effect of the garlic will cause the wart to blister and fall off. Larger warts may take longer to heal.
* Apple Cider Vinegar
- Dilute two parts apple cider vinegar in one part water.
- Apply this solution on the affected area using a clean cotton ball. Cover the area with a bandage or tape.
- Repeat this simple remedy for a few weeks. Within a few days, the warts will start turning black. Soon after, the warts will fall off leaving a small mark that will gradually vanish.
* Vitamin C
- Crush two to three vitamin C tablets in a bowl.
- Add a little water and mix it to form a fine paste.
- Rub the paste on your warts and cover the area with a bandage. Initially it will cause some burning sensation, but it will quickly go away.
* Hot Water Soak
Soaking warts in slightly hot water will soften them and help them to heal quickly. A hot water soak will also help fight the virus and prevent infection. Plain hot water is fine, but some white vinegar or Epsom salt can also be added to make the treatment more effective.
* Baking Soda
- Mix one teaspoon of white vinegar with baking soda to make a thick paste. Dab the paste on your warts twice a day (once in the morning and once at night).
- You can also mix baking soda and castor oil together to form a paste. Apply it to the wart and cover the area with a bandage. Leave it on overnight and remove the bandage the next morning. Repeat this remedy for several days, until the wart is gone.