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- 10 Effective Remedies To Treat Anemia
10 Effective Remedies To Treat Anemia
By: Kratika Maheshwari Thu, 02 June 2022 5:54:18
Anemia is a common condition in which a person does not have enough blood cells or hemoglobin in their bloodstream. This can be a genetic condition or it can be caused by low iron levels, as iron is required for hemoglobin to form.
The low counts of hemoglobin can be attributed to a number of reasons such as having a diet that is low in foods naturally containing iron, having a genetic condition which makes it difficult to retain iron, or blood loss. Anemia can also occur in children and teenagers who have recently gone through a growth spurt.
Since anemia is related to iron, many of the home remedies in this article will help to improve iron levels in the blood. These home remedies should be supplemented with advice and medication given by your doctor. Always see a doctor if you are concerned that you may have anemia. This is not something that can be easily diagnosed at home.
# Beet Juice
Natural iron is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin synthesis. Iron content in beet juice is remarkable along with fructose, glucose, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins C and B. Add a tablespoon of honey to a cup of beet juice. Drink this home remedy before each meal.
# Orange and Mango Juice
Both of these juices are great at improving hemoglobin production in the bloodstream. If you can, drink fresh orange and mango juice to get the best results. Drink one glass of either of these juices before or with each meal.
# Garlic
Garlic is effective for putting anemia at bay and it is one of the best home remedies to use. If raw consumption is difficult, you can also add cooked garlic to your meals.
# Nettle seeds
Nettle seeds are suitable for use in anemia treatment as a result of their active cleansing agents. These agents help blood vessels and the liver, all while improving the immune system. Nutrients found in Nettle include vitamins B12 and C, calcium, folic acid, iron, phosphorus and other minerals. One of the easiest ways to use this remedy is to mix one part nettle seeds with two parts of almonds and honey. Soak all of these ingredients in a glass of milk. Drink this mix as often as once a day.
# Breathing Exercises and Yoga
Breathing exercises are recommended and yoga is helpful as well. Breathing exercises often go hand in hand with meditation, so it may be helpful to practice meditation as well. Beginners to yoga can watch videos like these.
# Spinach
Spinach contains nutrients like beta-carotene, iron, fiber, calcium as well as a range of vitamins. You can eat a serving of spinach either raw or cooked to gain its health benefits for yourself.
# Sesame Seeds
Rich measures of iron are present in black sesame seeds, to use as a remedy for anemia: soak (teaspoon) sesame seeds in water for three hours, grind the seeds to paste, add a tablespoon of honey, and mix. You can either eat this paste twice a day or add it to milk twice a day to drink it.
# Bottle Gourd Soup
Bottle gourd is rich in folic acid and iron. By eating bottle gourds, you can effectively increase your hemoglobin levels. Add a cup of raw spinach to half cup of beetroot. Chop the bottle gourd into cubes. Mix all of these ingredients in a pot of water. Boil the soup until the gourd is soft. Eat this soup as often as you like to gain its benefits.
# Legumes and Whole Grains
Legumes and whole grain items are rich in folic acid and iron. These foods help the body absorb the iron needed for anemia prevention. Some of these foods include lima beans, kidney beans, peas, chickpeas, walnuts, peanuts, and whole grain pasta and cereal.