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- 12 Ways To Treat Amnesia At Home
12 Ways To Treat Amnesia At Home
By: Kratika Sun, 29 Oct 2023 5:19:00
Amnesia, the loss of memory, can significantly impact an individual's daily life and overall well-being. While it's important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan, there are several home-based strategies and lifestyle changes that can aid in the management and improvement of memory function. In this article, we will explore a range of effective ways to treat amnesia at home, including memory-boosting exercises, dietary changes, relaxation techniques, and mental stimulation activities. By incorporating these methods into your routine, you can enhance cognitive function, support brain health, and work towards restoring your memory. Let's delve into the world of home remedies and practical approaches that can make a meaningful difference in dealing with amnesia.
# Black Pepper
This is another home remedy that comes packed with anti-inflammatory agents that will help the rhythm of anyone faced with symptoms of amnesia. To use this home remedy, powder five black peppercorns. Mix this with a teaspoon of honey. Eat this once every night to get the best results.
# Meditation
Meditation is best known as an eastern art but it is helpful for the physiological balance and reinvigoration of the human being. The functioning of the nervous system will get a boost when you pay attention to meditation and indulge yourself in it. Meditation helps also, in this case, to ease your mind and help you with a better sense of awareness.
# Sleep
Good sleep is a natural measure to help your physiology reinvent itself. The absence of adequate sleep can set your mind awry and disrupt your rhythm. An adult should have up to eight hours of sound sleep each night. Make it a priority to get due to sleep each day. Make room when possible to have naps during the day if you a senior.
# Healthy Diet
Include in your diet all important elements. Diet is highly significant, more especially in treating amnesia. It is advisable for elderly people to abstain from sugar, tea, condiments and chemical additives.
Eat three times each day to enjoy healthy nutrient supply. Include things like nuts, cereals, fruit juice and milk to make it rich in phosphorus.
# Sage
Sage is an exceptionally rewarding herb in the case of amnesia, as it also plays a part in the cortex of the brain. It’s also really helpful in maintaining mental exhaustion. It helps as well in restoring one’s concentration. It’s much advisable to consume tea that is made from this very herb.
# Walnuts
These are common mentions among options that are reviewed for home remedies. They are well known to conquer other brain disorders also. Munching on walnuts is beneficial during the loss of memory. For essential benefits, consume 20 grams of walnuts regularly.
# Almonds and Almond Oil
Almonds strengthen the brain. They have very unique properties that act also on the brain to boost its memory functions. They can revitalize lack of memory attributed to brain weakness.
Submerge a handful amount of almonds in water overnight to remove their skin. Use the peeled almond to make a soft paste, after mixing with a spoonful of butter.
Apart from that, another element that is profitable in curing brain weakness is almond oil. Also, breathing in drops of the almond oil, continuously twice a day regenerates the mind as well as treat amnesia.
# Gotu Kola
Gotu kola is a much-known plant also being connected to parsley family and use many times to cure issues like psoriasis and abrasions. Some research reports suggest that this plant possesses triterpenoids, which are effective in decreasing mental alertness and anxiety. This herb can be taken as a tincture, tea or capsule.
# Holy Basil
This helps to intensify memory and keep the mind in a balanced condition. Basil leaves should be washed and consumed fresh. If this is not suitable for you, you can grate the leaves and top it up with honey. Drink a cup measure of the grated leaves and add a teaspoon of honey. Two cups daily is a good start
# Apples
Apples can be effective in treating amnesia. Apples have lucrative vitamins as well as minerals such as potassium and phosphorus. People who experience amnesia must put their focus on eating things like grapes, oranges, and apples, which are quite good at resolving the issue. Be sure to absorb these fruits very often. Eating fruits once in a while may not bring great improvement. So taking fruits regularly is recommended. By so doing so, you can easily treat amnesia.
Eating an apple added with teaspoon measure of honey as well as a cup measure of milk can go a long way in treating amnesia.
# Brain Exercises
Compile a timetable with your daily activities. Go over it a few times till you can memorize it mentally. Avoid writing them down, the whole point is to remember them. This is an easy way for brain exercise to improve your memory.
# Rosemary
This is one of the transcendent remedies for treating amnesia; you may take it as rosemary tea. Rosemary tea is made with rosemary it also has rosemary health benefits. Consume it once or twice daily for great results.