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- 3 Foods You Should Not Eat Before Plane Journey
3 Foods You Should Not Eat Before Plane Journey
By: Kratika Maheshwari Thu, 11 Aug 2022 1:31:45
Flying can be a seriously distressing part of long distance travel for some. Packing, getting all your travel documents together and finally checking in for your flight can seem like seamless procedures in comparison to actually sitting on a plane. For some, it’s the exact opposite. No matter which category you fall in, one thing’s for certain – you do not want your inflight experience to feel cumbersome or uncomfortable.
While most things (other than legroom) can be sorted out with the help of the flight attendants on duty, there’s not much anyone can do if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable as a result of the food you’ve eaten. Bloating, indigestion, acidity can all be cured eventually, but they will make sure that they make flying an absolutely nightmarish experience for you before they finally leave. The food that you eat before and during your flight play an important role in deciding how smooth your experience is going to be. Here are a few foods that you should absolutely avoid eating before and during a flight.
# A carb loaded meal
Energy rich carbs including bread, pasta, noodles, rice, etc are all best avoided before and during long haul flights. Your movement is naturally restricted while travelling in a plane – which means that your digestive system is probably not processing food as fast as it would if you were moving around normally. For this reason, restricting your carbohydrate intake is a good idea when travelling by air. Not only will it help you avoid the sluggish feeling you might experience post the flight, but it’ll also keep you feeling lighter and more energetic.
# Alcohol
You might be tempted to drink a glass of your favourite alcoholic beverage if you have a long journey ahead, because you think it’ll help you sleep better or just because it’ll calm the nerves but the nerves might be worth keeping, after all. Alcohol causes dehydration and bloating and when you’re sitting in a climate controlled cabin 40000 feet above sea level, you’re already set up for both. Keeping yourself hydrated is key and so is avoiding alcohol.
# Salt and Sugar
Read: greasy fries, a scoop of ice cream at the airport or that dessert served on the flight. None of them will be worth it when they result in fluid retention. Instead, opt for the lightest option available and something that is not generously sprinkled with sugar and salt. If you must, look for an option at the airport before boarding the flight and carry it on with you.