4 Home Remedies To Treat Bed Sores

By: Kratika Wed, 15 Mar 2023 2:35:02

4 Home Remedies To Treat Bed Sores

Bed sores is defined as the open wound, which occurs in the skn. It is usually seen in the individuals, who always remain seated on a wheel chair or bed for prolonged period of time. The friction and pressure on the skin give rise to the bed sores. Also, people with paralysis, weakness or coma have the tendancy of getting infected with bed sores. Common symptoms are pain, skin lesions, skin irritations, itching, skin discoloration and many more.

Some essential effective home remedies for bed sores are the following:

home remedies to treat bed sores,healthy living,Health tips


Honey possesses antiseptic properties. It reduces itching, pain and risk of further infection.

- Mix honey and sugar to form a thick paste.

- Apply the paste externally on the infected areas and cover with bandage.

- Do this process once regularly.

home remedies to treat bed sores,healthy living,Health tips


- Take an aloe vera leaf. Cut it open and extract the gel out of it.

- Apply this gel on the affected area.

- Rub it for a few minutes.

- Leave it to get dried and wipe with a clean cloth.

- Carry out this process thrice on a daily basis to get relief from the painful symptoms.

home remedies to treat bed sores,healthy living,Health tips


Turmeric is a wonderful herb, which helps to get rid of the bed sores. It has several healing an medicinal properties.

- First the infected region must be cleaned with water.

- The wound then should be covered with enough turmericc powder.

- Then the area is covered with a bandage.

- Carry out this process thriceona daily basis.

- You can also drink turmeric milk regularly twice to get benefitted

home remedies to treat bed sores,healthy living,Health tips


Golden seal is another herb with tremendous antiseptic properties, which provides relief from the painful and itching conditio of bed sores.

- Mix 1 tbsp of the herb with a cup of warm water and prepare the herbal tea.

- Clean the bed sores with this tea at least twice on a daily basis.

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