5 Amazing Benefits Of Beer

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sun, 10 Sept 2017 07:58:37

5 Amazing benefits of Beer

Beer can be beneficial for our health. But Obviously, we cannot neglect the fact that beer can be fattening, so the key to its consumption is in moderation.

Benefits of this drink are beyond the imagination you think.

healthy living,drink,5 amazing benefits of beer,beer

Boosting Brain health

Researchers found that having one beer per day may keep Alzheimer’s disease.they also found that people who consume beer on daily basis lowered down the risk of mental decline by 20%. This is due to silicon content in beer which protects the brain from aluminum effects.

healthy living,drink,5 amazing benefits of beer,beer

Boosting Kidneys Health

Beer keeps your kidneys healthy.Each bottle of beer you drink reduces the risk of developing kidney stones by 40%. The fact beer contains up to 93% water helps flush toxins out of your body and keep kidneys working properly.

healthy living,drink,5 amazing benefits of beer,beer

Strengthens Bones

A study concluded that the elevated levels of silicon in beer can contribute to higher bone density.

healthy living,drink,5 amazing benefits of beer,beer

Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

Research has shown that moderate consumption of beer can lower heart disease risk by 20% to 40%. Beer reduces your risk of a heart attack.

healthy living,drink,5 amazing benefits of beer,beer

Rich in fiber content

Our body needs fibers, sugar and starches to function properly. Beer is a drink which provides fiber content to our body when consumed.The fibre in beer can also help reduce your levels of LDL cholesterol.

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