5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Punarnava

By: Kratika Maheshwari Tue, 08 Nov 2022 10:00:10

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Punarnava

Punarnava or hogweed has an important place among therapeutic herbs prescribed in ayurveda. In fact, the rejuvenating powers of this herb are so famous that its name can be literally translated into “that which renews.” Punarnava plants come in white and red varieties, of which the white variety (Boerhavia diffusa) is considered more beneficial and used more extensively in herbal medicine.

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# Fights Respiratory Problems

Traditional healers use punarnava as an expectorant and for clearing nasal congestion. It can even help tackle asthma – a decoction of the leaves of the Malabar nut plant and punarnava is combined with black pepper and ginger juice and customarily used to treat the condition.

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# Counters Stress

Punarnava has potential as an adaptogen which can help you fight stress. In one study, when mice were forced to swim in a limited space, they became immobile after a while. This was a behavioral sign of a mental state resembling depression. But when they were given an extract of the roots of punarnava, they were able to tolerate the stress better and swim longer. The extract also combated biochemical indicators of stress such as increased blood glucose and cortisol.

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# Fights Inflammation

Inflammation is a normal immune response to infection or injury and plays an important part in healing. However, it is a double-edged sword. If your body is constantly in a fight mode, it can lead to chronic inflammation which is linked to a range of diseases such as coronary heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and asthma. Punarnava can help counter this. An enzyme known as secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) plays a vital part in producing inflammatory mediators in chronic inflammatory disorders. Research shows that punarnava can inhibit sPLA2 and function as an anti-inflammatory agent.

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# Protects Your Liver

Punarnava has traditionally been used to treat various liver disorders, including jaundice. Research backs this up. Both the leaves and roots of punarnava have been found to have hepatoprotective properties and may protect your liver from the onslaught of harmful chemicals.

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# Relieves Pain

Traditional healers use a decoction of punarnava leaves for treating inflammation and pain. And this has been backed up by scientific research too. One animal study found that it reduced abdominal writhing caused by acetic acid by half and was also significantly effective at tackling pain caused by exposure to heat. The exact mechanism through which punarnava worked was not clear. However, the researchers suggested that it has an impact on our endogenous opioid system which consists of neurons that produce opioids in your body and naturally relieve pain.

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