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- 5 Ayurvedic Tricks To Treat Hyper Acidity
5 Ayurvedic Tricks To Treat Hyper Acidity
By: Kratika Maheshwari Wed, 20 July 2022 10:34:20
Hyper-acidity is a common woe that has existed since centuries. But it is more prevalent in today’s modern society. Every day there is at least one case of Hyper-acidity. That’s why I bring to you 5 tricks to treat hyper-acidity.
Anger, stress, lifestyle and many other factors may play a role in alleviating the acids in your body. Walking up past noon, staying up all night, bathing when the sun sets and eating whatever the hands meet. Such bizarre ways of living are the culprits causing an acidic furor.
Ayurveda suggests simple lifestyle modifications. A healthy gut can eliminate the problems of hyper-acidity and flatulence completely.
# Do not skip meals if you have hyper-acidity
FIrstly, people who tend to suffer from hyper-acidity should never skip meals. Even eating something light is better than going bare tummy. During lunchtime, the digestive fire becomes stronger. And not feeding any food may result in hyper-acidity.
# Stress is the fuel to the fire of hyper-acidity
Secondly, always keep your stress-o-meter in check by avoiding stressful situations. Practicing simple stress management techniques like breathing exercises and meditation can help. There are also many safe and effective Ayurvedic treatments for stress management.
# Ayurvedic foods to treat hyperacidity
Thirdly, Pomegranate juice and pomegranate chutney help in balancing acid in the stomach. Further, home Remedies for Hyper-acidity like Fresh aloe vera gel is effective. Also, Jeera Water and Kamakasturi seeds are potent remedies for hyper-acidity.
Baked fennel seeds can also help in balancing digestion. Also, Ayurvedic Jeeraka Lehya or Triphala Churna are natural prescriptions to treat hyper-acidity.
# Lifestyle changes for hyper-acidity
Lifestyle changes can be a powerful tool to treat hyper-acidity. The imbalance is most likely to be caused by the chaotic lifestyle. Something as simple as chewing the food properly can relieve indigestion to a great extent.
Here are some more tips on lifestyle changes you might want to incorporate.
- Eat slow and chew properly
- Eat smaller and frequent meals
- Always eat hot food
- Avoid known triggers like cigarette, alcohol, caffeine, spicy food etc.
- Exercise and practice yoga poses for digestion.
- Manage your stress well.
- Mindful eating.
- Sleep with your head elevated.
# Food Rules for Hyperacidity
Foods to eat to treat hyperacidity
- Fruits like banana, pears, apples, papaya are great to beat hyper-acidity. Bananas are high in potassium and have an alkalizing impact on the stomach.
- Honey is an efficient antibacterial agent. It also soothes an irritated stomach and protects the stomach lining.
- Boiled vegetables are easy to digest and require less stomach acid to be digested. They can be quickly and easily cleared from the stomach and sent to the rest of the intestine.
- Water is essential for proper digestion. Warm water is particularly helpful as it dilutes the stomach acids and improves digestive functioning.
Foods to abolish to omit hyperacidity
- Spicy foods may irritate the lining of the stomach, which can result in more acid production. Thus, causing a higher incidence of acid reflux or acidity. Foods like samosas, burgers, chips and desserts or sweets are a big no-no.
- Sugar. Many people don’t know this but white sugar is a main cause of hyper-acidity. So, cutting it out from the diet endows one with many health benefits.
- Allergens should be ruled out of the diet. Every time a heartburn strikes, just remember what you ate last and that will help you to identify your allergens.
- Alcohol can increase the acid content in the stomach and cause dehydration resulting in the acid to become more concentrated.
- Meat is difficult to digest and hence it should be avoided at night.
- Coffee and Tea are both acidic in nature and can irritate the lining of the stomach. These are the worst things to have on an empty stomach.