5 Harmful Effects Of Eating Too Many Peaches

By: Kratika Maheshwari Thu, 05 Jan 2023 5:53:53

5 Harmful Effects of Eating Too Many Peaches

Peach may be a delicious fruit that grows on the deciduous tree belonging to the Prunus . it's native to Northwest China but is now cultivated in many regions of the planet . Being rich source of the many nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids, dietary fibers, phytonutrients, etc. it provides variety of health benefits and also as beauty benefits. However, there also are some side effects of eating too many peaches. during this article, we'll realize the main side effects of eating too many peaches.

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# Too Many Antioxidants Are Bad

Peaches are rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin A and other antioxidantal compounds like phytonutrients, flavonoids, etc. These antioxidants fight with the free radicals of our body, stabilizes them and thus prevents them from causing oxidative damage to our body cells, and thus reduces the risk of various types of cancers like skin cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, etc.

In addition to this, these antioxidants also play an important role in making our immune system stronger, make our heart stronger and reduce the risk of various cardiovascular problems.Although antioxidants provide a number of benefits too much of everything is bad and the same goes with antioxidants. High level of antioxidants in our body can increase the risk of various cardiovascular diseases and also increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke ( source).

In addition to this, a high dosage of antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin A can also increase the risk of various types of cancers and may even worsen it. In a study conducted in 2011 ( involving more than 35,500 men), it was found that a high dosage of Vitamin E could increase the risk of prostate cancer by 17 percent. Similarly, in the other study conducted in 1996, it was found that a high level of Retinol and Beta-carotene ( a form of Vitamin A) could increase the risk of lung cancer by 28 percent.

In general, antioxidants fights with the free radicals of our body stabilizes them and prevents them from causing oxidative damage to our body cells, but at high levels, these antioxidants also provide protection to the cancer cells.

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# Too Much Potassium May Cause Hyperkalemia

Eating peaches on a regular basis is very beneficial for individuals with high blood pressure or hypertension. This benefit of peach is mainly due to the presence of vital minerals like potassium in it.Potassium is a vasodilator that relaxes our blood vessels, improves blood circulation and thus reduces the risk of high blood pressure.In addition to this, peaches are also low in sodium and this also helps in controlling blood pressure.As high blood pressure is a major cause of many cardiovascular problems like heart attack, heart stroke, irregular heartbeat, etc. so by regulating blood pressure, it reduces the risk of various cardiovascular problems.

Although potassium is very beneficial for our health and provides a number of benefits, still it is better to eat peaches in moderation. This is because the high level of potassium in our body can drop down the blood pressure to a dangerously low level and give rise to hypotension characterized by the symptoms like fatigue, light-headedness, dizziness, depression, blurry vision, etc. (source)Also, if you are suffering from high blood pressure and already taking medication for the same, then you should eat place only after consultation with your doctor. This is because eating too many peaches could interfere with the functioning of blood pressure medication and may complicate the situation.

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# May Increase The Risk of Cancer(s)

Consuming peaches on a regular basis is very effective in reducing the risk of various types of cancers like skin cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, etc. and also for the individuals who have already developed cancer.

This benefit of peaches is mainly because of the presence of antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, etc. in them. In addition to these antioxidants, peaches are also rich in other antioxidantal compounds like phytonutrients, flavonoids, etc.

These antioxidants and antioxidantal compounds fight with the free radicals of our body stabilizes them and thus prevents them from causing oxidative damage to our body cells. Free radicals are nothing but the unstabilized ions that get formed during the oxidation process in our body.

As these are unstabilized ions, so they steal electrons from the neighboring molecules and cause oxidative damage to them. By damaging our healthy body cells, they increase the risk of various types of cancers like skin cancers, breast cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer and so on.

Antioxidants are very useful when it comes to neutralizing these free radicals. In addition to this, antioxidants like vitamin C also reduces the risk of premature aging like fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, dark spots, etc.

Although antioxidants are great and provide a number of benefits still it is better to eat peaches in moderation. This is because the elevated level of antioxidants in our body can even increase the risk of various cancers and may even worsen it.

In a study involving 35,500 men, it was found that large doses of Vitamin E could increase the risk of prostate cancer by 17 percent. In another study conducted in 1996, a high level of Retinol and beta-carotene ( a kind of vitamin A) increases the risk of lung cancer by 18 percent.

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# Too Much Hydration Is Bad For Our Skin

Peaches are an excellent source of many nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids, etc. and these play an important role in keeping our skin healthy.

The antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E etc. present in peaches fights with the free radicals of our body, stabilizes them and prevents them from causing oxidative damage to our body cells, and thus reduces the risk of premature aging like fine lines, age spots, dark spots, etc.

In addition to this, peaches are also high in water content which plays an important role in keeping our skin hydrated and moisturized, but too much of it is bad for our health and as well as for our skin.

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# High Level of Vitamin A Is Bad For Health

Our eyes are our window to the world as they allow us to enjoy the beauty of this world. It is, therefore, important for us to make sure that we are taking good care of our health. Eating peaches on a regular basis is very effective for keeping our eyes healthy and vision sharp.

This benefit of peaches is mainly due to the presence of antioxidants like Vitamin A and Vitamin C in them. These antioxidants fight with the free radicals of our body stabilizes them and prevents them from causing oxidative damage to our body cells and thus reduces the risk of problems like age-related macular degeneration, cataract, glaucoma, etc.

Similarly, Vitamin A is a vital nutrient for our eyes as it keeps them healthy. Although eating a peach is very useful for our eyes but still, it is better to eat them in moderation as overdosage of vitamin A can give rise to complications like bleeding in lungs, blurry vision, bone pain, difficulty in breathing, cracked fingernails, decreased thyroid function, etc.

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