5 Health Benefits Of Eating Guava

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sun, 10 Sept 2017 07:56:20

5 Health Benefits of Eating Guava

In our previous article we discussed about skin benefits of Guava. And here we are back with health benefits of it. The nutrients available in guava have multiple health benefits. Let`s read about them.

health benefits,fruits,5 health benefits of eating guava,guava,healthy fruit

Treats Cancer

Guava is one of the important fruits which are abundant with cancer fighting antioxidants-Lycopene. The phytochemical-lycopene is good for treatment and combating of cancers such as prostate and breast cancer. The higher concentration of Lycopene fights with free radicals and prevents the risk of cancer and heart diseases.

health benefits,fruits,5 health benefits of eating guava,guava,healthy fruit

Treats Hypertension

Guava is highly useful for the treatment of blood pressure, hypertension and heart disease. Guava contains adequate fiber and also hypoglycemic in nature which helps to control cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

health benefits,fruits,5 health benefits of eating guava,guava,healthy fruit

Treats Constipation

Guava contains sufficient quantity of dietary fibre and roughage that are extremely beneficial for constipation piles and haemorrhoids. A 100 gram of guava contains about 36% of recommended daily intake of fiber. Guava seeds are powerful laxatives, help in chronic constipation and cleansing the digestive system.

health benefits,fruits,5 health benefits of eating guava,guava,healthy fruit

Helps in Weight Loss

Guavas are the important weight loss foods. Guavas are rich in dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins with no cholesterol and low carbohydrate; give you the satisfaction of fullness. If you want to lose your weight naturally, eat one or two guava at lunch time. It is sufficient to give you energy till the evening.

health benefits,fruits,5 health benefits of eating guava,guava,healthy fruit

Treats Diabetes

A study was conducted by Medicinal Research Laboratory, Allahabad University on mice showed that guava fruits and leaves have the power to lower blood sugar levels. It showed positive results when the fruit was taken without skin. In Japan, guava leaf tea is taken to promote health and prevents diabetes as this helps to absorb maltose and sucrose thereby control blood sugar levels.

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