5 Home Remedies To Treat Blisters (lip Pimple)

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 18 Aug 2017 7:46:35

5 Home Remedies To Treat Blisters (lip Pimple)

Pimples are irritating, no matter where they crop up. But, what is more irritating than getting a pimple somewhere on your face? Getting a pimple exactly on your lips. Oh, the horror! You can’t eat or drink in peace, and talking to anybody seems too embarrassing. You feel it is best to stay at home, secluded in a room. Well, it’s time for you to step out because we can help you get rid of it with the remedies in this article.

# Hot or Cold Compress

- An ice cube OR hot water

- A clean towel or napkin

# Castor Oil

- 1 tablespoon castor oil

- 1-2 drops eucalyptus oil OR neem oil OR basil oil (optional)

# Benzoyl Peroxide

- Wash the affected area with a mild soap and pat it dry.

- Take a small amount of the gel and apply it on and around the pimple.

- Leave it on for as long as it is recommended on the tube.

tips to get rid of blisters,tips to get rid of lip pimples,pimpels on lips,skin care tips,Health tips,healthy living

# Lemon Juice

- Dip the cotton swab in the lemon juice and apply it on the pimple.

- Let it dry naturally. It is not necessary to wash it off.

# Turmeric Paste

- Make a paste by adding some water to the turmeric powder.

- Apply this on the pimple and leave it on for as long as possible.

- You can rinse it off with plain water.

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