5 Importance Of Farting

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 25 Aug 2017 00:13:36

5 Importance of Farting

I understand the appeal of maintaining an air of mystery. Still, sometimes you just have to square your shoulders and call a spade a spade. Health, even at it’s very best, can be kind of messy and gross. That’s why it’s so important to have these frank conversations from time to time. Farting. Passing gas. No matter how you put it, it doesn’t get any prettier, but it can have a dramatic influence on your health. Scroll through the article below to learn about a few of the stunning health benefits of letting one rip.

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1. Reduces Bloating
If you’re feeling bloated after a big meal, unreleased gas may be one of the culprits at work. For most people, bloating is a feeling of bodily swelling and temporary weight gain that isn’t dangerous, but might make those new jeans fit a little tighter. That’s gas, waiting to escape. Letting it fly will instantly reduce your bloating and discomfort.

2. Preventing Medical Troubles
Holding in your gas can potentially cause medical troubles for your colon, according to Women’s Health Mag.

3. Predicting Major Health Issues

Farts are one of those bodily functions that you just can’t escape. While you may resent it somedays, you might be grateful when you realize that your gas can occasionally predict major health issues early, giving you a sign to get to the doctor and have yourself evaluated.Extreme smells, increasing gas frequency, and strange gas pains can alert you to conditions as mild as lactose intolerance, and as extreme as colon cancer.

4. Odor Tells Something
It sounds weird, but bear with us; studies have indicated that a compound we produce in small quantities in our gas, hydrogen sulfide, might actually protect us from later illness.This gas is the “rotten egg” smell often present in digestive gas, and is toxic in large doses, but in small doses may stave off cell damage and prevent strokes and heart attacks down the line.

5. Balancing Diet

We all need a balanced diet to stay healthy, and your farts might help clue you into what foods your gut needs.Different foods produce different kinds of gas, letting you know what you may be missing from your diet, or overindulging in.

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