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- 5 Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Quail Eggs
5 Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Quail Eggs
By: Kratika Maheshwari Sun, 26 Sept 2021 10:02:34
Quail eggs are the mid-sized eggs obtained from different species of quail birds. These birds are mainly found in Europe, North Africa, Southern United States, and in some parts of Asia too. When it comes to size, quail eggs are relatively smaller in comparison to duck eggs and chicken eggs, but they still provide a number of health benefits and beauty benefits.
These benefits are mainly because of the presence of many nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, flavonoids, etc. in them. Although quail eggs provide a number of health and beauty benefits, it is better to eat them in moderation as there are also some side effects of eating too many quail eggs. In this article, we will know about these side effects in detail.
# May Increase The Risk of Hypotension
Regular and moderate consumption of quail egg has been found to be very beneficial for providing relief from hypertension or high blood pressure which affects millions of people all around the world and is a leading cause of many cardiovascular problems like heart attack, heart stroke, irregular heartbeat, etc.
Quail eggs are beneficial in controlling high blood pressure because of the presence of a mineral named “Potassium” in it. Potassium is a vasodilator which means it relaxes our blood vessels, improves circulation of blood and thus helps in controlling hypertension.
# Too Many Antioxidants Are Bad For US
Quail eggs are a good source of many antioxidants and antioxidantal compounds that provides a number of health benefits. The antioxidants present in the quail eggs fight with the free radicals of our body, stabilize them and thus prevents them from causing oxidative damage to our cells.
Free radicals are nothing but the unstabilized ions that get formed during the oxidation process in our body. As these are free electrons so they steal electrons from the neighboring molecules, and while doing so they cause oxidative damage to them.
# Some Individuals Might Be Allergic To Quail Eggs
Quail eggs are a good source of “Ovomucoid Protein” which plays an important role in soothing allergies and also for providing relief from the various symptoms like congestion, inflammation, etc. caused by the allergic reaction.
However, it should also be noted that this benefit might not be true for everyone, and quail eggs may cause or worsen allergic reactions in them. It has been found that some individuals might be allergic to chicken egg and as well as quail eggs, and some individuals might be allergic to quail eggs without being allergic to a chicken egg.
# May Increase The Risk of Hypoglycemia
Consuming quail eggs on a regular and moderate basis have been found to be very allergic for diabetic patients or those who are at the risk of developing diabetes. This benefit of a quail egg is mainly because of their low glycemic index.
Glycemic index of a quail egg is low which means they release sugar into the bloodstream at a slow rate, and thus prevent a sudden spike in the blood sugar level. They also slow down the rate at which sugar gets absorbed into the bloodstream and this helps in managing diabetes.
# May Not Be Suitable For Pregnant And Nursing Women
There is not much known about the effect of eating quail eggs during the pregnancy and nursing stage, so, for a safe side, it is better to include them to your diet only after consulting with your doctor.
This is because although they are a good source of many nutrients, they are not a complete food and consuming them in excess may give rise to various problems including the complications in pregnancy.