5 Simple Exercises That Help You Relieve From Vision Stress

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:55:47

5 Simple Exercises That Help You Relieve From Vision Stress

Every individual holds the pen to script their own health journey. Neglecting one's well-being may pave the path to illness and deformity. True wellness transcends mere fitness routines, dietary habits, or occasional medication. Often, we overlook seemingly minor concerns like vision problems, deeming them insignificant. Yet, unchecked, they can burgeon into significant health issues affecting overall well-being.

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# Palming Exercise

- Initially rub your hands thoroughly until they feel warm for about 20 seconds. Now, rest your hands over your closed eyes and remember that your palm should never touch your eyes. Your fingers should be gently overlapped on the center of your forehead.

- Don’t pressurize your face with your hands and make yourself feel relaxed with this exercise. You can continue with this exercise for about 2 to 3 minutes.

Palming exercise not only relaxes your eyes but also helps you to regain the lost energy to your eyes.

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# Tromboning Exercise

- In this exercise you need to hold an object at arm’s length inhale, and then move the object in to touch the tip of your nose.

- You would then exhale, look at the object and move it back out.

Tromboning exercise improves the control over the extra- ocular muscles and stimulates the flow of nutrients inside the eyes.

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# Scanning Exercise

- All you need to do is stand or sit at some corner of your room and carefully observe each and every object by allowing your eyes to scan the entire room.

- Continue this exercise for about 2 minutes and stop it if you feel a bit strained. Remember to breathe while doing this exercise.

Scanning exercise helps you to increase the flexibility of your eyes and to encourage the faster progress of your eyes.

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# Temple Massage

- Massage the side of your head on the level with the eyes with your finger points by closing your eyes.

- Continue this exercise for about 5 to 10 minutes until you completely feel strain free.

This exercise helps in improving the blood circulation through your optic nerves that transmits the visual information from retina to brain.

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# Hydrotherapy

- Place a bowl of hot and cold water separately in front of you. Put a wash cloth in each of the bowl.

- Now dip the wash cloth in hot water and place them against your closed eyes for 30 seconds. Repeat the same after dipping the wash cloth in cold water.

- Continue this for about 2 minutes by alternatively placing the hot and cold water wash cloths against your eyes.

This helps in relieving the stress and strain from your eyes and cools them. Practicing these simple exercises helps you to keep your eyes healthy and reduces vision stresses one commonly faces in daily routines.

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