5 Ways To Burn Calories Super Fast

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 18 Aug 2017 8:23:30

5 Ways To Burn Calories Super fast

Here are fun cardio exercises that will help you lose weight while having a good time. See which ones you want to try out and you’ll figure out which ones suit your personality. Whether you’re competitive or just playful, social or more introverted, there are some great options for you.

# Spin Class

If you live in a flat area or a crowded city, biking can be difficult. Spin classes are a great safe option for those of you who aren’t able to cycle on hills and roads. If you have never been in a spin class you have no idea how intense it is. It’s nothing like a casual ride along the beach, it’s like a full blown race. Your teacher will tell you when to kick it up a notch make the resistance stronger to make it feel like you’re going uphill. Some spin classes are heated and some require you to get your own clip in shoes. You probably want your own anyway so you don’t share sweaty foot fungus.

# Hot Yoga

A very accessible and high calorie burning exercise is yoga in a very hot and humid room. The temperature will probably be around 110 degrees and you will sweat bullets. By the end of class you’ll know you got your butt kicked and you’ll be glad you went. Make sure you bring a face towel and a larger towel for your mat so you don’t slip. This is most effective if you go once or even twice per day! Make sure you drink water with added minerals to make up for how much sweating you’ll be doing and drink extra water so you don’t get dehydrated.

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# Running

If you want to get your heart rate up in the comfort of your own neighborhood, running is a great cardio exercise. Get a great playlist ready or sign up for Spotify to get you in the mood. Make sure you wear legit running shoes so you don’t get shin splints and over a week or two it will become easier. If you can avoid running on pavement it will save your knees. Grass or dirt trails are much better. Your endurance will get better and better over time.

# Hip Hop Dancing

If you’re a people person and get bored easily then this is the calorie burning exercise for you! As your mind is distracted by trying to follow along and learn the moves, you’ll be burning a ton of calories! You’ll be able to meet people and dress in fun funky dance clothes. Who said working out can’t be fun too? Dancing can help build confidence as well as coordination. Just be aware it’s so addicting you might just look forward to your workout. Don’t worry if you’re a terrible dancer, there are always beginners and you have to start somewhere.

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# Aerobic

The faster paced aerobic classes at your local gym will definitely burn calories. It gets your heart rate up because you stay moving and move quickly for an extended period of time. Try a couple of teachers until you find a few that you really like and just keep going. Consistency is just as important as the activity you do and if you want to do it everyday, compliment your cardio with an hour of really gentle breathing and stretching to get rid of your soreness.

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