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- 5 Yoga Asanas To Treat Lower Back Pain
5 Yoga Asanas To Treat Lower Back Pain
By: Kratika Maheshwari Wed, 01 June 2022 7:45:00
Back pain is one of the world’s most common causes of suffering and can affect people of all age groups. Lower back pain cases have, in particular, seen a sharp rise with long working hours among people with desk jobs. An estimate 30 percent of the adult female population suffers from lower back pain, compared to 25 percent of the adult male adult population.
Back pain can be divided into 3 areas:
Neck (cervical)
Mid- back (thoracic)
Lower back (lumbar) / coccydynia (tailbone or sacral) regions.
The pain in the lower back causes discomfort in sitting, sleeping and day-to-day activities. A prolonged lower back pain may cause irreversible damage to the muscles and become permanent if not treated on time. Therefore, we bring you 5 yoga poses that can help treat lower back pain from the root!
# Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
- Lie flat on your stomach.
- Spread palms under your shoulders and elbows close to the sides of your body.
- Inhale as you slowly lift the chest off the floor as much as till your navel.
- Keep your pelvis on the floor.
- Broaden out your shoulder blades and engage them lifting up the chest forward.
- Slowly bring your torso down.
# Marjariasana (Cat Cow Pose)
Urdhva Mukhi Marjari Asana
- Place your knees down on the mat, fixing palms under shoulders and knees under hips
- Inhale, curve your spine to look up
Adho Mukhi Marjari Asana
- Exhale, curve your spine forming a rounding of the back and allow your neck to drop down.
- Focus your gaze towards your chest.
# Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
- Start in Sukhasana.
- Straighten legs forward and flex your feet turning your toes toward you.
- Place your hands next to your hips as you activate thigh muscles.
- Straighten your back.
- Slowly reach forward, hold your big toes.
- With a deep exhale, drawing the lower belly in and place your forehead on your knees.
- Hold for at least 5 breaths.
# Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
- Start by lying down on your stomach with your hands alongside your torso.
- Fold legs and take your hands back to hold on to your ankles.
- Inhale and lift your upper body and lower body off the floor.
- Gently turn your chin upwards.
- Do this very slowly
- As you exhale, release from the pose and relax quietly for a few breaths.
- Repeat the pose once or twice more.
# Tiryaka Bhujangasana (Twisted Cobra Pose )
- Lie flat on your stomach.
- Spread palms under your shoulders.
- Keep the feet apart at about a distance of about 2 feet.
- Toes on the ground.
- Inhale as you lift your head, turn to look over your right shoulder at your left heel.
- Hold the asana for about 10 seconds, turn to the front and exhale as your bring your torso down.
- Repeat on the other side.