6 Foods You Can Avoid On A Low Tyramine Diet

By: Kratika Maheshwari Tue, 24 Jan 2023 4:00:17

6 Foods You Can Avoid on a Low Tyramine Diet

Migraines are a pain, but knowing your triggers can keep them away. These include stress, weather changes, skipped meals and lack of sleep. For some, high-tyramine foods are bad news. Often, these foods also contain histamine, a compound that causes inflammation. If you’re sensitive to these substances, adopting a low tyramine diet will be a game changer.

Tyramine is a common trigger. This substance, which is made from the amino acid tyrosine, promotes oxidative stress. It can easily snowball into a migraine if you’re sensitive to it. Tyramine also affects the central nervous system.

foods you can avoid on a low tyramine diet,healthy living,Health tips

# Smoked Meats

Smoking meat might add flavor, but it also increases tyramine.. Pulled pork, brisket, and ribs are often smoked, so be careful.

Instead, opt for other cooking methods like baking. Spice things up with fresh herbs, but stay away from salt and flavorings with MSG.

foods you can avoid on a low tyramine diet,healthy living,Health tips

# Processed Meats

Avoid salted meats like pepperoni, salami, and liverwurst. Luncheon meats are alright occasionally, but don’t overdo it. Examples include bacon, sausage, hot dogs, corned beef, ham, and bologna. These foods may have small amounts of tyramine.

Basically, any meat or liver that isn’t freshly made should be skipped.

foods you can avoid on a low tyramine diet,healthy living,Health tips

# Pickled Products

Sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, and olives are a no-go. Don’t eat pickled herring, either. Pickled products are fermented and have very high tyramine levels.

foods you can avoid on a low tyramine diet,healthy living,Health tips

# Aged Cheese

Like smoking, aging food brings on lots of flavor…and tyramine. A perfect example is aged cheese, like blue, brie, cheddar, Swiss, Stilton, provolone, and mozzarella. To enjoy cheese, opt for American, cottage, ricotta, or cream cheese. Other low-fat processed cheeses are also fine.

Parmesan and Romano is alright in small doses. As for yogurt and sour cream? Don’t eat more than ½ cup per day.

foods you can avoid on a low tyramine diet,healthy living,Health tips

# Fermented Soy

Miso, soy sauce, and teriyaki should be restricted. Soy beans, however, are safe. It’s the fermentation process that’s bad news for migraines.

foods you can avoid on a low tyramine diet,healthy living,Health tips

# Fava Beans

Ditch the fava beans for other types, like navy or kidney. Fava beans are also called broad, faba, bell, and horse beans, so always check the label. String beans are alright to eat.

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