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- 6 Health Benefits Of Drinking Spinach Juice
6 Health Benefits Of Drinking Spinach Juice
By: Kratika Maheshwari Sat, 29 Jan 2022 5:14:13
As Popeye’s infamous strength-giving food of choice, spinach is well-known for being good for you. Instead of simply accepting this, however, it’s helpful to know just what the health benefits of spinach – and spinach juice – are. In knowing this, we believe more people will be inclined to incorporate spinach into their diet. Whether enjoyed as a juice, part of a smoothie, or a vegetable with a meal, there are many ways to start eating more spinach.
Spinach is full of nutrients that are beneficial to the human body. Read on to find out the specific health benefits of spinach and spinach juice.
# Spinach Gives Us Energy
Spinach is an ideal vegetable to consume if you need a hit of energy. It contains a good amount of iron, which the body uses to support the function of red blood cells. Red blood cells transport oxygen around the body, which in turn, produces energy.
# It May Support a Healthy Heart
The nitrates found in spinach are thought to relax blood vessels in the body, which helps blood flow. This means that the heart does not need to work too hard to pump blood around, thereby lowering the chances of heart disease and stroke.
# Spinach Improves Bone Health
Spinach is also believed to promote healthy bones. The components in this leafy vegetable that support bones are vitamin K, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorous. By adding more spinach or spinach juice to your diet, you may be able to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, brittle bones, and breakages.
# It’s Good for Eye Health
The dark green colour of spinach leaves means that this vegetable contains chlorophyll. This, plus other components it contains like beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, are known to support eye health. Collectively known as phytonutrients, these can prevent cataracts and macular degeneration.
# Spinach Supports Digestion
The fibre found within spinach is insoluble fibre, which is excellent for encouraging a healthy digestion. This kind of fibre cannot be completely broken down by the body, so it adds bulk and helps food pass through the digestive tract in the human body. This means that consuming spinach can help prevent constipation.
# It Improves Immunity
All the vitamins and minerals found in spinach – especially in spinach juice, which is made with raw spinach – make it great for boosting immunity. Vitamin C, in particular, is known for helping the body to combat flu, colds, and other infections. The vitamin C is also the reason why spinach benefits skin.