6 Natural Remedies To Help You Recover From Kidney Stones

By: Pinki Tue, 21 Nov 2023 1:11:57

6 Natural Remedies To Help You Recover from Kidney Stones

Kidney stones, a prevalent health issue, develop from various chemicals found in urine like uric acid, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, and oxalic acid.

Medically termed nephrolithiasis, these stones form when minerals and salts in urine crystallize, adhering together to create crystals. Over weeks or months, these crystals accumulate and solidify into hard, rock-like deposits or stones.

Kidney stones vary in size, from tiny fractions of an inch to several inches. Smaller stones, typically less than 5 mm or 0.2 inches, may pass through the urinary tract with minimal discomfort. However, larger stones can cause significant pain, obstruct urine flow, and trigger symptoms like blood in the urine. Seeking medical attention becomes essential for managing the discomfort and potential complications associated with larger stones.

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# Drink a Concoction of Lemon Juice and Olive Oil

The combination of lemon juice and olive oil is traditionally used as a home remedy to expel gallbladder stones, but it can also be used to treat kidney stones. The citric acid present in lemon helps break down calcium-based kidney stones and stops further growth of a stone.

A preliminary study published in the Journal of Urology found that patients who were treated with lemonade therapy for a mean of 44.4 months demonstrated increased urinary citrate levels and their stone formation rate decreased from 1.00 to 0.13 stones per patient per year.

- Take 4 tablespoons or 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice.
- Add an equal amount of olive oil.
- Drink this mixture followed by plenty of water.
- Do this two to three times a day, for up to three days. You need not continue this remedy if you pass the stones in a single dose.

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# Brew a Nettle Leaf Tea

Nettle leaf helps maintain the flow of water through the kidneys and bladder, thus promoting smooth urination. Nettle leaf also helps keep crystals from forming into stones and keeps bacteria away. Nettle tea will also enhance the benefits of water by acting as a natural diuretic.

A study published in Molecular Medicine Reports found that the methanol extract of Urtica dioica efficiently dissolves calcium oxalate renal stones in male Sprague-Dawley rats. The extract showed a dose-dependent curative effect on urinary and renal parameters, including calcium oxalate renal stone formation. This study was not duplicated in humans.

- Add 2 teaspoons of dried nettle leaf to 1 cup of hot water.
- Let the dried nettle leaf steep for 10 minutes and then strain the liquid.
- Drink 2 to 3 cups of nettle tea daily for several weeks.

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# Dandelion Root Extract Promotes Recovery

Dandelions can come in handy for bolstering the excretory system. Not only does it promote urine output, but this taproot perennial is also known to replenish the potassium that is flushed out with the urine.

Dandelion root juice has earned the reputation of a detox drink for its ability to stimulate the production of both bile and urine. This cleansing property can be attributed to a certain compound present in dandelion root that helps rid the body of waste.

You can purchase dandelion tea that is readily available in supermarkets and drink 3–4 cups of this tea every day.

Alternatively, you can extract fresh dandelion juice and supplement it with a bit of orange peel, apple, or ginger to make it more palatable. Drink 3–4 cups of this tea throughout the course of your day.

You can even take dandelion extract in pill or capsule form. The recommended dosage of dried dandelion extract to ease the symptoms of kidney stones or prevent their formation is 500 mg. However, check

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# Consume Pomegranate for Healthy Healing

Both the seeds and juice of pomegranate can help in the treatment of kidney stones.

- Try to eat one whole pomegranate or drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice daily. You can also mix pomegranate in your fruit salad.
- Another option is to grind 1 tablespoon of pomegranate seeds into a fine paste. Eat this paste along with a cup of horse gram soup once daily. This remedy helps dissolve the stones. You can find horse gram in Indian markets.

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# Watermelon is a Kidney-Friendly Treat

Watermelon is a great way to treat kidney stones composed of calcium, magnesium, phosphates, and carbonates. The potassium present in watermelon is an essential ingredient for healthy kidneys. It helps regulate and maintain the acid level in the urine.

A study published in Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy found that an in vivo rat model of urolithiasis showed reduced calcium oxalate (CaOX) crystal count in both the kidney and urine after administering the pulp extract of watermelon.

Also, the serum analysis showed elevation in creatinine clearance and reduction in urea and creatinine levels. This study has not been reproduced in human studies.

Along with potassium, watermelon also contains a high concentration of water, which helps in flushing out stones from the kidneys. Eating watermelon regularly can help greatly in the treatment and prevention of kidney stones. You can also consume watermelon seed tea.

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