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- 6 Proven Health Benefits Of Mustard Oil
6 Proven Health Benefits Of Mustard Oil
By: Kratika Maheshwari Sun, 06 Mar 2022 10:53:11
Mustard Oil is considered to be beneficial for health. Despite its many advantages, there is no clarity on where it originated. There is a conflicting point of view on its origins. Some writers and researchers suggest that the Mustard plant was native to Europe. However, considering the usage of this plant since thousands of years in the Indian subcontinent, many suggest that it was native to India. In fact, some ancient texts point to it being grown about in India about 3000 BC. Irrespective of the origins, it can be said with surety that the plant and its medicinal properties were known far and wide, both in countries of Europe, such as Rome and Greece and in Asia, such as India.
In Europe, its use as a medicine was first done by Hippocrates whereas Romans used it as an additive to their wine making process. Mustard oil has been used in different geographies around the world. Even in the modern times, it is popular in many countries across Asia and Europe. While Italy, Greece and India have been using it for thousands of years, it is also being used for hundreds of years in China, Russia, Bangladesh, Pakistan and other countries of the region. In India, the oil is extracted from black mustard seed whereas in China and Russia, it is extracted from brown mustard seed.
# Cardiovascular Health
It has been found in studies that people who take mustard oil which is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) are less likely to have cardiovascular problems. This is people using mustard oils in their diets have lower blood pressure and less fat on their body than those who are not using it. This improves cardiovascular health.
The oil reduces bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and increase good cholesterol levels (HDL).
Alpha-linolenic acid, a constituent of mustard oil, is believed to be responsible for lower instances of Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD).
It shall however be mentioned that these potential benefits could be small as compared with some other factors that influence risk such as exercising or unhealthy diet.
# Anti-Inflammatory
If there is one component of mustard oil which is responsible for reducing inflammation, it is allyl isothiocyanate. Studies have pointed out this fact that this compound reduces the inflammation. For this reason, it is also used in diclofenac anti-inflammation medicine.
Allyl isothiocyanate is produced when sinigrin molecule is acted upon by enzyme myrosinase. It shall be noted that sinigrin is responsible for pungent smell of mustard oil.
# Anti-bacterial and Anti-fungal
Studies have proven that glucosinolate present in mustard oil prevents the growth of undesirable bacteria, such as E.Coli and other microbial organisms. In this way, it acts as an anti-bacterial remedy.
Mustard oil is used to treat skin rashes and allergies or other skin infections due to its anti-fungal properties.
# Improves Blood Circulation
Ayurvedic texts mention that Mustard oil massage improves circulation of blood in the body. It reduces the muscular tension and improves the texture of skin. By activating the sweat glands it helps in removing the toxins out of body.
# Healthy for Skin
It is a tradition in India to use mustard oil for body massage. Right from babies to adults, this oil is considered very good for massaging. The reason attributed to this is that the oil is loaded with vitamin E which is an essential nutrient for the skin.
It shall, however, be noted that too much of its usage might cause irritation. Therefore, only limited quantities of mustard oil shall be used massaging purpose. Researchers have also recommended that face shall not be massaged with it. Those who have sensitive skin shall also avoid using this rather strong oil.
Mustard oil helps to reduces wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. It acts as a sunscreen by protecting skin against UV light and pollutants present in the air.
Another important role of mustard oil is that, when used along with some other materials, it helps in removing the tan and dark spots.
# Helps in Cold and Cough
Another important use of mustard oil is in cold and cough. It helps in clearing the congestion from the respiratory tract due to its heating property. Applying it on chest before sleeping works wonders to remove congestion in chest. It is believed that the pungency of the oil due to Ally Isothiocyanate is the reason why it helps in clearing the sinuses.