7 Health Benefits Of Consuming Jaggery

By: Kratika Maheshwari Sun, 14 Feb 2021 1:55:00

7 Health Benefits of Consuming Jaggery

Do you know something about jaggery? Maybe it is a unknown name for us. So what about brown sugar or palm sugar that has shape usually cube or spherical? Yup. That is jaggery. There are two types of food and beverage sweeteners or what we call sugar consumed by the people of Indonesia. Both types of sugar are white sugar and brown sugar or also often referred to as palm sugar or jaggery. White sugar has a fine texture shaped like a grain of sand, therefore white sugar is also often referred to as sugar.

White sugar or sugar is made from sugar cane extract. While palm sugar or brown sugar or jaggery has a dense texture with brownish red, brown sugar made from traditionally processed palm juice. This brown sugar is less popular than white sugar or sugar. But the benefits of brown sugar or jaggery is good for health.

Brown sugar or jaggery is often used as a sweetener of healthy foods and drinks. Brown sugar (jaggery) contains fewer calories than sugar. This is certainly very good and can be a happy news for those of you who like the sweet foods and not afraid to be obesity. Brown sugar is a typical sugar from Indonesia and only exist in Indonesia made from processing sap. Nira used different from coconut palm, palm and siwalan. Nira itself is a liquid that comes out of the palm-type tree. Indeed, here are the health benefits of eating jaggery.

health benefits of  jaggery,benefits of consuming jaggery,healthy living,Health tips,jaggery benefits

# Inhibits premature aging

The first benefit of brown sugar is to help prevent premature aging. In this brown sugar contain nutrients that can smooth blood circulation, increase blood, warm the stomach, relieve pain and strengthen the spleen. For those of you who are elderly are also advised to consume brown sugar because it helps the body absorb more nutrients and vitamins. As is known that the old age of absorption of nutrients and nutrients in the body will be reduced.

# Natural Antioxidant Sources

From research conducted in Japan to get the result that this sugar contains molasses where the main function of this substance is to become a natural antioxidant for the body that can counteract any free radicals that can inhibit the occurrence of premature aging of the skin so it will look more youthful and looks bright and shine.

health benefits of  jaggery,benefits of consuming jaggery,healthy living,Health tips,jaggery benefits

# Skin care

Brown sugar can also be used as a skin care ingredient that is safe and healthy. In brown sugar there is a content of substances in the form of spheres which if used for facials can help lift dead cells in the face. You can use this natural mask of brown sugar easily and with the help of other natural herbal ingredients.

# Fight Free Radicals

Brown sugar can be a good source of antioxidants to the body so it can ward off free radicals and prevent you from various types of diseases, especially skin cancer that can be caused by free radicals. By eating brown sugar regularly will make your body becomes healthier than people who do not eat brown sugar.

health benefits of  jaggery,benefits of consuming jaggery,healthy living,Health tips,jaggery benefits

# Prevents anemia

The iron content in the brown sugar is high enough that it is very good for those of you who suffer from anemia and can prevent anemia. The function of this iron is to produce red blood cells so that it can overcome the symptoms of blood deficiency. Anemia can not be left alone because it can get worse and cause more dangerous complications of other diseases. Therefore, regularly consume brown sugar, especially for those of you who have anemia disease.

# Stabilize cholesterol levels in the blood

Brown sugar does not contain cholesterol so it is safe to eat. In addition other content in brown sugar such as niacin that serves as a controller of cholesterol levels in the blood. So the benefits of consuming brown sugar is doubled is not it? Not only zero cholesterol but also can reduce the amount of excessive cholesterol in the body. Other than that the other function of niacin is able to smooth and maintain skin health.

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