8 Foods That Help You Stay Away From Heart Attack

By: Neha Sun, 08 Jan 2023 10:42:53

8 Foods That Help You Stay Away from Heart Attack

Cardiovascular disease, affecting the heart is the number-one killer disease. Your arteries are the delivery route through which a continuous supply of life-giving oxygen travels. If these pathways are blocked or narrowed, your body starts to gasp for that supply of oxygen. Hence, a block or the narrowing down of an artery can cause serious consequences if not diagnosed, which can be fatal at times.

Protect your heart from a broad spectrum of disorders such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease including heart attack, chest pain, stroke, congestive heart failure, weakening of the blood vessels, and valves in the heart by eating foods containing heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Now let us look into some natural superfoods that are ideal for protecting you from heart attacks.

foods that help you stay away from heart attack,Health,healthy living

# Nuts And Seeds

A handful of walnuts provide your body with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts like walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, and macadamia nuts are high in fat but it is a good fat that keeps your arteries clean. Adding nuts to the diet lowers the artery-clogging LDL cholesterol. Nuts and seeds have tons of benefits such as.345

- Nuts contain the antioxidant vitamin E that traps any disease-causing free radicals
- They contain calcium and magnesium which help maintain strong bones and a steady heartbeat.
- They also contain nitric oxide that your body converts into a potent compound that dilates the arteries and lets more blood reach the heart.
- They also contain nitric oxide that your body converts into a potent compound that dilates the arteries and lets more blood reach the heart.
- Consumption of flaxseed can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
- Flaxseed prevents the development of atherosclerosis, a condition in which plaque builds up inside your arteries.
- Dietary flaxseed supplementation could prevent a heart attack due to high levels of cholesterol in the blood and strokes.

foods that help you stay away from heart attack,Health,healthy living

# Olive And Flaxseed Oil

Monounsaturated and omega-3 fats are lean and clean fats that keep your arteries clean and healthy, reduce blood pressure, and give your good cholesterol a boost.6

- Saturated fats are pro-inflammatory in the body, which can clog your arteries and raise your risk of heart disease.
- The anti-oxidants in olive and flaxseed oil lessen the inflammation in veins and arteries.
- Use nutritional unrefined olive oil as a dressing or toss it with whole grain pasta for a healthy meal rich in omega-3 fats. These oils are good for heart disease and cancer prevention.

foods that help you stay away from heart attack,Health,healthy living

# Avocados

Avocados are considered to be one of the best foods available to you, especially for your heart health.

- Eating avocados daily improves the ratio of the good HDL cholesterol to the bad LDL cholesterol.
- They lower the triglyceride levels as well which are the markers of inflammation in the body.
- It is loaded with vitamin E, folate, potassium, and magnesium.
- The potassium content helps regulate blood pressure while folate is an important nutrient for heart health.

foods that help you stay away from heart attack,Health,healthy living

# Fatty Fish

Oily and fatty fish such as salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids that help regulate your heart health and cholesterol levels.

- They contain essential fatty acids and long chain fish oils that keep the artery walls flexible, limiting arterial damage and reducing the risk of heart disease.
- They also help to reduce bad cholesterol levels, high levels of which contribute to heart disease. The more fish oil in our body’s cells, the less clogged and aged our arteries are.
- Omega 3s found in oily fish improve heart functioning by regulating the heartbeat, make aging arteries more flexible, help block inflammatory processes, and restore the artery elasticity.
- The more fish oil in our body’s cells, the less clogged and aged our arteries are.
- They improve heart functioning by regulating the heartbeat, make aging arteries more flexible, help block inflammatory processes, and restore the artery elasticity.

foods that help you stay away from heart attack,Health,healthy living

# Cereals And Lentils

A daily intake of lentils, beans, and cereals is associated with a plasma cholesterol-lowering effect which can reduce the risk of developing heart disease.9

- Pulses are an important source of essential nutrients and consumption of pulses is associated with a reduced risk of developing several types of chronic diseases including coronary heart disease.
- Regular intake of lentils may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease with favorable effects on blood pressure.
- Intake of dietary fibers and certain phytochemicals that are abundant in cereal grains and leguminous seeds have been associated with reduced risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

foods that help you stay away from heart attack,Health,healthy living

# Asparagus And Broccoli

Antioxidants can scavenge free radicals and protect the human body from oxidative stress which is the main cause of some cancers and heart disease.1011

- Asparagus shows one of the greatest antioxidant activities
- Consumption of broccoli is beneficial to the heart as it contains high amounts of selenium responsible for cardioprotection.

foods that help you stay away from heart attack,Health,healthy living

# Spinach

Spinach is one of those foods that provide a host of benefits and being a filling food at the same time.

- Spinach is rich in folate which helps your heart stay healthy reducing dangerous levels of homocysteine to ward off stroke and heart disease.
- It is rich in chlorophyll, vitamin K, and coenzyme Q10 that keeps your heart healthy.
- It is also a good source of potassium and magnesium which help in lowering blood pressure.

foods that help you stay away from heart attack,Health,healthy living

# Whole Grains

You can opt for whole grains instead of refined grains as whole grains can substantially lower total cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol i.e. the LDL, triglycerides, insulin levels, and lower the risk of forming blood clots.

- Consumption of whole grains is linked to better heart health.
- Whole grain intake is associated with a reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease and heart attacks.

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