9 Foods That Help To Increase Blood Platelets Count

By: Kratika Maheshwari Wed, 23 Sept 2020 2:17:58

9 Foods That Help To Increase Blood Platelets Count

Platelets are one of the tiniest cells in the blood that protect the human body against losing excessive blood during injury. The platelet cells literally look like plates in their non-active state. In cases of wound injury, these cells migrate to the site, bind any damaged blood vessels, and form a blood clot.

The human body should normally have a healthy range of 150000-450000 platelets per MCL of blood. When the platelets count drops, below this range, the condition is referred to as thrombocytopenia. Low platelets count is usually a symptom of some drastic health conditions.

foods that help to increase blood platelets count,increasing blood platelets count,foods leads in increasing platelets count,healthy living,Health tips

* Milk

Milk is high in calcium, which can help your body regenerate the number of platelets. The calcium works along with Vitamin K and the milk protein fibrinogen. This is to increase your platelets count and the blood’s ability to form clots. Calcium deficiency can lead to your body to take much time longer to form blood clots, especially when dealing with excessive bleeding.

foods that help to increase blood platelets count,increasing blood platelets count,foods leads in increasing platelets count,healthy living,Health tips

* Vitamin A Rich Foods

Vitamin A is essential for healthy platelet production. This nutrient is also significant for protein formation in the body. A healthy protein regulation helps in the process of cell division and growth. This is why it is essential to consume Vitamin A rich foods to sustain normal body function. Some ideal foods that belong to this group are carrot, pumpkin, kale and sweet potatoes.

foods that help to increase blood platelets count,increasing blood platelets count,foods leads in increasing platelets count,healthy living,Health tips

* Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a multi-faceted fruit. Its rich red colour is a testament to its high iron content. The fruit can help combat increasing platelet reduction with regular consumption. You can eat it raw or in juice form. The fruit is also rich in vitamins to help you keep your energy levels steady despite having your blood platelets low in level.

foods that help to increase blood platelets count,increasing blood platelets count,foods leads in increasing platelets count,healthy living,Health tips

* Lean Protein Foods

Lean Protein foods are the best foods to increase blood platelets. These are excellent sources of zinc and Vitamin B 12. These nutrients are essential to reverse the effects of thrombocytopenia. In case of reduced platelets in the body, you should switch to a diet that includes adequate dosage of lean proteins such as turkey, chicken and fish. Oysters are also known as a high source for zinc and should be included in a diet plan of increasing platelet production.

foods that help to increase blood platelets count,increasing blood platelets count,foods leads in increasing platelets count,healthy living,Health tips

* Cod Liver Oil And Flax Seed Oil

Consuming either cod liver oil or flaxseed oil can help you strengthen your immune system. This combats the tendency of the body to confuse and attack its own, which includes the platelets. Many autoimmune disorders are the leading cause of thrombocytopenia or low platelet count. These oils also help in reducing inflammation in the body as well as improve blood circulation in the body.

foods that help to increase blood platelets count,increasing blood platelets count,foods leads in increasing platelets count,healthy living,Health tips

* Vitamin K Rich Foods

Overall high-calorie meals are suggested for the ideal production of blood platelets. Vitamin K is a necessary ingredient that keeps cell growth at optimum levels in the body. Platelets last up to 10 days only where a healthy quantity of platelets need to be continually produced to replace the lost amount in the body. Eating eggs, liver and kale can be highly beneficial in a plan of providing adequate Vitamin K for the body.

foods that help to increase blood platelets count,increasing blood platelets count,foods leads in increasing platelets count,healthy living,Health tips

* Macrobiotic Diet

This diet has shown to help in optimum blood production. Signs of combating thrombocytopenia in patients have also been observed. The diet recommends a consistent consumption of whole grains, vegetables and organic beans. It however recommends a reduction in intake levels of animal protein except for fish and high-quality natural cheese and yoghurt. The diet also recommends avoiding certain food elements that include aspartame, alcohol, bitter lemon, quinine, tonic water and bitter melon.

foods that help to increase blood platelets count,increasing blood platelets count,foods leads in increasing platelets count,healthy living,Health tips

* Folate Rich Food

Severe deficiency of folate in the body can result in a reduction in blood platelets. To combat this possible consequence, you should consume a diet that includes folate-rich foods. Vitamin B9 or folate is extremely important for healthy cell division in the body. A healthy adult should consume at least 400 mg of folate everyday in their diets. Some folate-rich foods include asparagus, orange juice, spinach and fortified cereals.

foods that help to increase blood platelets count,increasing blood platelets count,foods leads in increasing platelets count,healthy living,Health tips

* Chlorophyll From Wheat grass

Chlorophyll has a remarkably similar molecular structure to that of hemoglobin. After all, chlorophyll is essentially commonly known as the blood of plants. This nutrient has a strong effect on overall blood production and increase of platelets count in the body. Wheatgrass juice comprises over 70% of chlorophyll and it is one of the best sources for the nutrient.

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