9 Reasons You Must Consume Ceylon Tea

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 12 Sept 2020 3:51:00

9 Reasons You Must Consume Ceylon Tea

Ceylon Tea is one of the healthiest beverages come in three varieties black, green and white. Due to high amount of antioxidant content present in Ceylon tea, it is the healthiest substitute to other beverage such as coffee, black tea and white tea. Black ceylon tea is the most well-known frame, and has a gentle flavor that is reminiscent of citrus natural products. Green ceylon tea has a more impactful, nutty flavor than its dark partner, and has the most abnormal amount of antioxidants, since these tea leaves are unfermented. At long last, white ceylon tea is the most costly and rarest frame, and is arranged, collected and prepared by hand, alongside being permitted to dry in the sun, giving it a sweeter, more charming flavor than the other two assortments.

Due to various types of Vitamin, Minerals and nutrients, presence in the Ceylon Tea, it has lots of health benefits. Among that some of the health benefits of Ceylon tea include preventing various types of chronic illness, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and keep your heart healthy, help to reduce weight, reduce cholesterol levels, improve immune system, improve skin health, prevent tooth decay, moderate diabetic symptoms, prevent kidney stones and provides relief from bad breath.

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* Ceylon Tea Help Lower Cholesterol

Ceylon tea is highly rich in potassium content, which is very beneficial to reduce the cholesterol levels in our body. Studies have been proven that potassium can reduce the bad cholesterol from our body naturally and increase the good cholesterol levels. So consumption of Ceylon tea on a regular basis can regulate the cholesterol levels, which is very good for cardiovascular health and prevents heart related disease such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, heart stokes, etc.

* Ceylon Tea Prevents the Risk of Skin Cancer

Due to the high amount of antioxidant compound found in Ceylon tea, it helps to stabilize and the growth of protein such as VEGF and HGF, these proteins are the main cause of tumor cell growth in our body. An antioxidant present in Ceylon tea helps to protect us from ultraviolet light and carcinogens, these are also promoting the cancerous cell in our body. Studies have been proven that consumption of Ceylon tea on a regular basis is not only helps to treat minor skin issues, but also it helps to prevent the risk of skin tumors.

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* Ceylon Tea Relieve Stress & Depression

Consumption of Ceylon tea on a regular basis is very beneficial for our health and it also helps to reduce stress and depression because the polyphenols compound found in Ceylon tea is helping to regulate the proper amount of glucose to your brain, so your brain can function well, without any stress. Apart from this Ceylon tea also rich in theanine compound, this is an amino acid and helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Due to the low amount of caffeine present in green tea, those who are suffering from stress and anxiety related disorder, they can consume this beverage without any fear.

* Ceylon Tea Boost Immune System

As we discussed above Ceylon tea is highly rich in Vitamin C and vitamin A, both these vitamins are very useful to keep our immune system healthy. Vitamin C promotes the production of white blood cells, this is the main element of our immune system, so the production of white blood cells will improve the power of the immune system, which protect our body from foreign invaders such as bacteria and virus. Apart from this Vitamin C and Vitamin A are strong antioxidant presents in Ceylon tea, which fight against free radical and stabilized them so that they should not do any type of oxidative damage to our immune system cells, thus keep our immune system strong and prevent various types of disease such as macular degeneration of the immune system.

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* Ceylon Tea Prevent Osteoporosis

Studies have been proven that consumption of Ceylon tea on a regular basis can prevent the loss the bone density, which help to keep our bone strong and healthy. Apart from this due to the high amount of antioxidant present in Ceylon tea, it helps to prevent in macular degeneration of bones, thus prevents in osteoporosis. So if you want to keep your bone strong and healthy in your old age, you should consume chrysanthemum tea on a regular basis.

* Ceylon Tea Improves Metabolism

Due to high amount of antioxidant found in Ceylon tea, it is very helpful for our metabolism process. Apart from this, different studies have been proven that consumption of Ceylon tea on a regular basis can help to maintain hormonal levels, promotes the development of growth and development and also improve the circulation and neurotransmitter activity.

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* Ceylon Tea Fights Bad Breath

Due to the high amount of antioxidant and antibacterial properties found in Ceylon tea, it is very helpful to prevent the bad breath. Different studies have been proven that consumption of Ceylon tea prevents the growth of the bacteria and virus in our mouth, which promotes bad breath.

* Ceylon Tea Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Ceylon tea is highly rich in natural antioxidants, which helps to promote the secretion of an alpha glucosidase enzyme that reduces the absorption of glucose in your blood stream; this is the main cause of type 2 diabetes. Consumption of Ceylon tea is not only helpful to prevent type 2 diabetes, but also it is very helpful to control the glucose levels, those who are suffering from type 2 diabetes.

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