Benefits Of Chewing Neem Twigs

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Mon, 24 July 2017 4:13:14

Benefits of Chewing Neem Twigs

Few years back, it used to be a common sight in my village, to see someone plucking a neem branch in the morning, make a tooth brush out of it and brush. But all that is changing now, it is a rare sight to see someone use neem bark as a tooth brush. With very attractive advertisements for commercial tooth paste and brushes increasing everyday, our humble neem sticks don't stand a chance. For children, chewing on neem will be difficult, as it is bitter, but they can be taught to chew on licorice. If they use these from young age, chance of them getting dental problems will greatly reduce.

benefits of chewing neem twigs

# Neem twigs are chewed, the wood containing this medicine in this process the corner of the twig will form like a bristle brush. They are ready to clean the sidelines of your teeth with clean.

# A good option is to boil a bunch of neem leaves in a bowl of water. Boil it until lukewarm and then strain off the liquid. Then opt for gargling with this concoction. Not only will it drive the bacteria away, but will ensure that your teeth stay in good and healthy condition for a long period of time. If done on a regular basis, you are sure to get sparkling white teeth that will shine like a set of pearls.

# The small twigs are obtained from the branches of neem trees and are cut into small sizes of about 15 to 20 cms. The real bark is removed off so that the twig is not harsh on the gums and teeth, only a gentle layer of thin skin remains.

# Take a little hard branch, not too hard, it will be hard to peel and not too tender, it will tear. Start peeling from one end, bend it to you shape, your homemade tongue cleaner is ready.

# Take a thin licorice root and pound one end of it using a stone. Since licorice roots are hard, I prefer to pound it using a stone, to separate the end part. Now it can be used as a brush.

# Moth odor is usually caused by the bacteria present in the mouth. Since both neem and licorice root have antibacterial properties, they prevent mouth odor very effectively. If you suffer from mouth odor regularly, regularly use one of these to brush your teeth before going to bed for a few days. You will find the problem gone very soon.

# Nothing can beat gum diseases than these natural brushes. Especially neem tooth brush has been known to prevent tooth decay. Chewing on the tender bark of these roots, helps the juices to flow into our mouth. These antibacterial juices prevent gum diseases very effectively.

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