Eating Ice-cream Can Increase Blood Pressue

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 08 July 2017 10:37:39

Eating Ice-cream Can Increase Blood Pressue

It's happened to all of us. Whether you are going through a terrible breakup or are an innocent victim of mindless eating, we've all found ourselves at the bottom of a newly opened pint of ice cream. I mean, once you start, it's hard to stop! But as comforting and delicious as this frozen dessert can be, aren't you a bit concerned about what the fat and calories are doing to you? Yup, we thought so. Is eating an entire pint of ice cream really detrimental to your health? No, not as long as you don't make it a habit.


Health tips,healthy living,eating ice-cream can increase blood pressure,why ice cream is not good for health,eating ice cream can make you sick


A pint of ice cream could have up to about 1,000 calories and for some people that's more than half their daily intake.

Blood Sugar Level

Health tips,healthy living,eating ice-cream can increase blood pressure,why ice cream is not good for health,eating ice cream can make you sick

Blood Sugar Level

Surprise! You may think that a pint of ice cream is enough to make your blood sugar go haywire, but it's not as high as you think

Belly Fat

Health tips,healthy living,eating ice-cream can increase blood pressure,why ice cream is not good for health,eating ice cream can make you sick

Belly Fat

Ice cream is a carb-heavy food and eating a lot of refined carbohydrates results in belly fat deposition. A pint could have about 120 grams of carbs; and, although carbs are a great source of energy, you probably won't be using it up right away.

Heart Disease

Health tips,healthy living,eating ice-cream can increase blood pressure,why ice cream is not good for health,eating ice cream can make you sick

Heart Disease

Back to the bad news. There are about 40 grams of saturated fat in that frozen treat your eating.


Health tips,healthy living,eating ice-cream can increase blood pressure,why ice cream is not good for health,eating ice cream can make you sick


If you've ever treated yourself to a cup of ice cream in an attempt to beat the 3 p.m. slump, you likely caused more harm than good—and not just to your waistline. Not only does a cup of vanilla can have up to 10 grams of artery-clogging saturated fat and 28 grams of sugar but multiple studies have found that saturated fat and sugar-rich diets can diminish cognitive skills and verbal memory.

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