Get Rid Of Excess Tension With These Simple Tips

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Thu, 17 Aug 2017 6:21:22

Get Rid of Excess Tension With These Simple tips

Tension headaches, also known as stress headaches, are one of the most common types of headaches and countless people experience them. While the exact cause is unknown, some experts believe these headaches are caused by muscle contractions in the head and neck regions.

Certain factors contribute to this type of headache. Some common triggers are stress, impaired sleep, skipping meals, vision problems, eyestrain, overexertion and muscle strain. Also, females suffer from tension headaches more often than men.

# Stress Management

- Make a hot bath or shower to relax tense muscles.

- Listen to soft and soothing music in a quiet room.

- Spend time doing anything you like to do, such as gardening or painting.
Read something inspiring.

- Go out for a walk and enjoy nature.

- Practice stress-busting techniques like deep breathing, yoga, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization and guided imagery.

- Exercise regularly to lower stress. Plus, it has positive effects on blood pressure levels.

# Massage

- Mix 1 or 2 drops of thyme or rosemary essential oil in 2 tablespoons of warm olive or coconut oil.

- Dab the oil on each temple and on your forehead.

- Massage it gently into the skin.

- Then, sit quietly for several minutes to let this home remedy work.

# Ice Pack

- Put a few ice cubes in a plastic bag and wrap the bag in a thin towel.

- Lie down in a quiet place and place the cold compress on your forehead.

- Wait 2 minutes, then take a break for 2 minutes.

- Repeat the cycle 4 or 5 times.

- Try to relax and soon the pain will be gone.

tips to get rid of tension,tips to releive tension,tips to get rid of stress,Health tips,healthy living

# Rosemary Oil Footbath

- Add 7 or 8 drops of rosemary essential oil to a small tub filled with warm water.

- Soak your feet in the footbath for 20 to 30 minutes and try to relax.

- When done, pat dry your feet with a soft towel.

# Peppermint

- Find a quiet place to relax. Massage a few drops of peppermint oil onto your temples, forehead, and back of your neck. Breathe deeply while doing so.

- Alternatively, you can place 2 wet peppermint tea bags on your closed eyelids or forehead for 5 to 10 minutes.

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