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Meaning, Steps And Benefits Of Performing For Shankh Mudra For Thyroid

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Wed, 23 Dec 2020 2:28:13

Meaning, Steps and Benefits of Performing For Shankh Mudra For Thyroid

India has an age old tradition and that tradition is characterized by a number of things. Be it in our ancient cultures, scriptures, languages or dressing sense. We have an age old tradition and a beautiful story attached to them. Sometimes these traditions have very significant meaning attributed with them. Similar is the case with Indian medicinal system.

Earlier humans didn’t have so many health issues; they were quite good in health and well-being. At that time people were not so much inclined to medicines they relied on healthy eating and exercises. In those days yoga and mudras or hand gestures were very much popular. They were known to give long term benefits to your thyroid and sore throat health.

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Meaning Of Shank Mudra:

Do you know the meaning of shankh? Shankh is an Indian name of conch. So this mudra or hand gesture is associated with conch. Each and every mudra is special in Indian mythology. So, let’s know the relevance or meaning of this conch or sahaj shankh mudra.

Shankh is a very auspicious symbol and object in our Indian culture and mythology. Shankh is also an object which is blown when any auspicious activity is about to begin. Normally a religious activity or opening of a door is marked by the blowing of shankh. In similar way a shankh mudra is marked by the opening of a good healthy system in your regular routine life.

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How To Perform Shankh Mudra :

After we all have understood the meaning of shankh mudra, we must discuss now how to perform it. here is a detailed step by step instruction of how to perform the shankh mudra.

Sit in a comfortable of half lotus position. You can either sit on a light mat or any regular carpet. Many experts have strongly advised not to sit directly on floor. This is because it is believed that there are some radiations from the floor which will not be good while practising any form of yoga or mudra.

* You can sit with your eyes closed and open completely your choice, but closed eyes can help concentrate better.

* Encircle your left thumb with the fingers of your right hand.

* Place your left hand fingers on the back of your right palm.

* Gradually touch your right hand thumb with the extended middle finger of your left hand.

* Join both the hands together so that they come in a shape of conch or shankh.

* Make sure that your hands are closer to your chest level. You can close your eyes for as long as you want.

* Slowly chant “OM” within yourself. And hear the word being echoed within yourself only.

Shankh Mudra Health Benefits:

* This mudra is known to be beneficial for the throat related issues “(sore throat). Thus, it is popularly known as shankh thyroid mudra.

* This is also known to help budding singers who want to change their voice for better.

* It also helps in getting rid of stammering.

* It is beneficial in case of any kind of weakness or paralysis attacks.

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