Over 60? Try These Exercises To Stay Fit

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Tue, 14 Mar 2017 12:18:54

Over 60? Try These Exercises to Stay Fit

Keeping yourself fit at any age gives you strength and helps you look good. Exercising helps in avoiding many age illness and elder age. No matter you are 20 or 60 you must follow some exercises to keep your body active and illness free. Here we are with 5 exercise for people who have hit 60.

Balancing Exercise

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Good balance and flexibility reduces your risk of falls and makes tasks that involve reaching easier. To work on balance, stand on one leg or walk heel-to-toe. For improved flexibility, gently stretch a muscle group, such as your calves or shoulders as far as you can without pain, and hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds. Taking up tai chi, yoga or Pilates can also help you stay limber and maintain good balance.

Strength Exercise

healthy living,tips to stay fit,over 60 try these exercises to stay fit,exercises for elder people,how to stay fit in elder age

Exercises like wall push-ups, back and side leg raises and knee curls let you work out at home without weights. Aim for two 30-minute strength training sessions weekly, but never work the same muscle group two days in a row.

Endurance Exercise

healthy living,tips to stay fit,over 60 try these exercises to stay fit,exercises for elder people,how to stay fit in elder age

Walking, dancing and aquatic exercises like swimming or water aerobics help keep your heart and lungs in shape. If you`re in good condition, you might also try jogging, cycling or tennis.


healthy living,tips to stay fit,over 60 try these exercises to stay fit,exercises for elder people,how to stay fit in elder age

Every physician and expert recommends walking for general fitness. Walking is the perfect pace for seeing and living in nature for the afternoon.


healthy living,tips to stay fit,over 60 try these exercises to stay fit,exercises for elder people,how to stay fit in elder age

The vital center of any strength training routine is a commitment to the “core,” those muscles in the abdomen and back that stabilize our bodies and serve as the supportive base for full body training. And make no mistake: Pilates can work wonders that crunches can’t even touch. As we age, investing smarter effort in maintaining our core can offer big payoff. Not only will it serve us well in our efforts to build/maintain muscle mass.

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