Amazing Benefits Of Performing Surya Namaskar Daily

By: Shweta Sat, 16 May 2020 2:39:50

Amazing Benefits of Performing Surya Namaskar Daily

Surya Namaskar or the sun salutation is more than just a yoga pose to help strengthen your back and your muscles. It is a complete workout for your entire physical system, one that does not require the use of any equipment.

When done regularly in the right way and at the right time,Surya Namaskar enhances the size of your solar plexus, thereby increasing your creativity, intuitive abilities, decision-making, leadership skills and confidence. The most appropriate time to perform this pose if at sunrise since the rays of the morning sun revitalize your body and freshen up your mind. However, it can also be done at other times during the day; doing it in the afternoon energizes your body instantly while performing it at dusk helps you unwind.

Surya Namaskar is a combination of 12 asanas which benefit your entire body.

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* Pranamasana

Pranamasana is the first posture in the yoga sequence. Stand upright on your mat and ensure that your feet are placed close to each other. Next, take a deep breath, expand your chest and relax your shoulder. During inhalation, raise your arms from the side and while exhaling join both your palms together as if you are praying. The prayer posture or first salutation is complete.

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* Hastha Uttanasana

Ensure that your palms are joined together, just like in the previous prayer pose. Take a deep breath, lift your arms and slightly bent backward. Your biceps must stay close to your ears.

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* Hastha Padasana

Breathe out and bend forward from your waist. Try to touch the floor with your hands. It is important to ensure that your spine remains straight. While performing this pose, you should exhale slowly and thoroughly.

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* Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Bend your knees slightly, so that the palms can rest on the floor beside your feet. Take a deep breath, bring your right knee towards the right side of your chest and stretch your left leg backward. Raise your head and look forward.

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* Chaturanga Dandasana

Inhale and bring your right leg back as well. Now both your hands will be right under your shoulders. Ensure that your body is parallel to the ground.

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* Ashtanga Namaskara

This pose requires performing salutations using eight points or parts. After performing Chaturanga Dandasana, exhale and slowly bring your knees down toward the floor. Rest your chin on the floor and keep your hips suspended in the air. If done correctly, both your hands, knees, chin, and chest will rest on the ground while your hips will remain suspended in the air.

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* Bhujangasana

Rest your legs and midsection flat on the ground. Position your palms beside your chest. Inhale and apply pressure on the hands to raise your upper body. At this point, your head and torso will resemble a cobra with a raised hood.

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* Adho Mukha Svanasana

Keep your palms and feet where they are. Exhale and gently lift your hips, so that the body forms an inverted ‘V’. Straighten your elbows and knees. Look toward your navel.

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* Ashwa Sanchalanasana

After performing Adho Mukha Svanasana, go back to Ashwa Sanchalanasana by bringing your right foot forward. Keep your left leg stretched behind you and look forward.

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* Hastha Padasana

Inhale and bring your left foot forward, such that it is next to your right foot. Keeping the position of your hands intact, exhale and slowly bend your torso to enter into the Hasta Padasana pose.

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* Hastha Uttanansana

Inhale and lift your upper body. Join the palms and raise your arms above your head. Then take a deep breath, lift your arms and slightly bent backward. Your biceps must stay close to your ears.

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* Pranamasana

Breathe out and stand straight in a relaxed manner. Lower the arms and hold your palms in front of your chest. This marks the end of the first set of Surya Namaskar.

By performing 12 sets of these 12 asanas every day you can reap the following benefits:

* Helps lose weight: Doing Surya Namaskar at a faster pace than usual is a great cardio work-out. The asanas also stretch the abdominal muscles toning up the belly.

* Improves digestive health and metabolism: It increases the blood flow to your digestive tract, ensuring the better functioning of your intestines and release of the trapped gas from your system. It also races up your metabolism.

* Overall stimulations: Stimulates abdominal muscles, respiratory system, lymphatic system, spinal nerves and other internal organs.

* Complete muscle toning: Tones the spine, neck, shoulder, arms, hands, wrist, back and leg muscles, thereby promoting overall flexibility

* Psychologically, it regulates the interconnectedness of body, breath, and mind, thus making you calmer and boosting the energy levels with sharpened awareness

* It helps the release of toxins from the body and improves overall blood circulation which gives strong heart, glowing skin and healthy hair.

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