You Know Headache Can Be Treated With Breathing, Read More

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Tue, 23 June 2020 1:52:43

You Know Headache can Be Treated With Breathing, Read More

If frequent headache attacks pound your head, you are in for a hell ride. Your concentration, focus, and stability go for a toss. The pain searing through your head bogs you down and makes your life come to a standstill, and this is not something you want. What if something as obvious and natural as breathing can solve your problem permanently? Here are seven different ways that can help you do so. Read on.

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# Find A Rhythm
Stay away from short and rapid breaths – they will do you no good. Try taking deep breaths, counting up to 10 while you inhale and another 10 while you exhale to make sure your breaths are longer than usual. Follow this rhythm and observe how your body responds to this deep and slow breathing. It will relax your nerves and reduce the intensity of the headache.

# Balloon Technique
Here comes an amazing breathing exercise for headache. Straighten your back, think of a spot below your navel and breathe. Breathe till you think the air has reached the spot you thought of. This will fill up your abdomen. Then, let the air out like how a balloon deflates – slow and steady. Continue this technique of inhaling and exhaling for a while to make your headache disappear.

# Visualize Your Breath
Sit comfortably and think of the air you are exhaling. Imagine it going down your windpipe, into your lungs and enlarging them. Feel as if you are taking in all the peace and calm you need and imagine tension leaving your body as you exhale. Do this a couple of times to keep headache at bay.

# Alternate Nostrils

Breathing in and out through alternate nostrils is called Nadi Sodhana in Yoga. This famous practice is good for the overall relaxation of your body. Breathe in through your left nostril while you cover the right nostril, and breathe out through your right nostril while you cover the left nostril. Repeat vice versa to treat your headache.

# Sudarshan Kriya

To do this three-part process of breathing, sit in the Vajrasana position. First, start with slow and balanced breaths of inhalation and exhalation at an equal pace. Then, the exhalations should be twice the duration of the inhalations. And, finally, the inhalations should be twice the duration of the exhalations. A brief session of the whole process lasts about 45 minutes.

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