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4 Things That You Should Avoid Ordering In A Bar

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Mon, 27 Jan 2020 4:52:22

4 Things That You Should Avoid Ordering in a Bar

Bars, are the best and most quite place to enjoy your drink. There you can sit for long hours, even alone. Just like other restaurants or disc's, even bars have some protocols. Most of us might not know this, but yes there are few things hat you should not order in a bar. Here is a list of 5 of them-

4 things that you should avoid ordering in a bar,things you should avoid ordering in a bar,things that should be avoided in bar,appletinis,iced tea,frozen mudslides,mojitos


Made with garishly (and artificially) colored green apple schnapps, appletinis are sugar bombs disguised as an adult beverage. Not often seen any longer on a bar's specialty menu, bars will begrudgingly keep the sticky ingredients on hand for people who just don't know how to drink.

4 things that you should avoid ordering in a bar,things you should avoid ordering in a bar,things that should be avoided in bar,appletinis,iced tea,frozen mudslides,mojitos

Iced Tea

Worse are the people who don't realize what they are even ordering… so let's be clear. In a Long Island iced tea, you're getting every cheap, clear liquor from the bar's speed rail — vodka, gin, rum, tequila, and triple sec. Add to that a splash of cola, and some sour mix. That's it. Notice what it doesn't have? Iced tea. If you're that determined to get wasted, order a bourbon neat and a beer chaser. At least you'll look cool drinking it.

4 things that you should avoid ordering in a bar,things you should avoid ordering in a bar,things that should be avoided in bar,appletinis,iced tea,frozen mudslides,mojitos

Frozen mudslides

Do me, yourself, and anyone who will ever come to know you a favor, and learn this one rule about going to a bar. Unless you see it buzzing and swirling around in a colorful machine behind the bartender's head, for the love of Christmas, do not order a frozen drink. Ever. Expecting your bartender to bust out an entire kitchen appliance to make you an alcohol smoothie that will be loaded with everything under the sun EXCEPT for fresh fruit is the height of bar-going bad etiquette.

4 things that you should avoid ordering in a bar,things you should avoid ordering in a bar,things that should be avoided in bar,appletinis,iced tea,frozen mudslides,mojitos


I'm not saying you should never order a mojito. If you're in a Latin American restaurant, or a bar that proudly boasts on their specialty cocktail menu that they have mojitos to offer, then by all means, have at it. What I am saying, however, is that if you're in any other kind of establishment, you just can't assume that a bar is going to have the correct ingredients on hand to make a mojito.

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