5 Most Clean And Clear Lakes In The World
By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 17 Jan 2020 11:37:51
Not much is more alluring when it comes to travel than the prospect of slithering into a crystal-clear ocean. And while sadly so much of world's waters suffer the effects of junk and pollution, there do remain places which remain unscathed. We has compiled some of the most breathtaking examples of cleanest water lakes from across the globe.
* New Zealand's Putaruru Blue Spring, where water takes up to 100 years to filter through the ground and thus emerges among the purest on earth - as of this year, the council has banned swimming in it but you can still observe it from above.
* The incredible Sua Ocean Trench on the volcanic Upolu island in Samoa, a 98-foot deep hole with steps leading down to a platform from which swimmers can leap into the crystal clear grotto.
* An elephant swimming at Havelock Island, located in India's Bay of Bengal, in waters so clean the detail seen is astounding.
* Icebergs melt on a midsummer night at c in Iceland, looming over glassy water which reveals every single pebble.
* Pictured an underwater shot of Switzerland's legendary Verzasca River and a diver reaches 18-feet underwater in Australia's Piccaninnie Chasm.