5 Most Risky Jobs In The World

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Wed, 06 Nov 2019 10:48:53

5 Most Risky Jobs in The World

Have you ever wondered what the most dangerous and deadliest jobs in the world are? Every job has its own risks. From working at high altitudes to facing serious health issues from various chemicals, it’s probably a smart idea to count what the job will cost you rather than only looking at the paycheck. Some jobs could cost you your life, and it might not be the best way to go out. So if you like to live life on the dangerous side all while earning your paycheck, take a look at these 5 Most Dangerous Jobs In The World!

* Street Sweeper

If you’ve ever been to Rwanda, you’ll know why street sweepers are on the most dangerous jobs list. Many women work all hours of the night in busy traffic and less than friendly neighborhoods.

* Mountain Guides

Between ice, long falls, jagged rocks, wind, low air pressure, and a whole slew of other dangerous sounding conditions, climbing mountains is not known for its safety. In one 2009 report, 11 guides had died on the job.

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* Stuntmen

Stuntmen make the Hollywood action stars look good, and they put their lives on the line to do so. Between driving cars over cliffs and jumping out of high rises, these daring performers stare death in the face every day.

* Alligator Wrestlers & Lion Tamers

Alligator wrestlers, lion tamers, and basically anybody who deals with dangerous animals on a daily basis knows they’re walking pretty close to death’s jaws, especially when they stick their heads in the animals’ mouths.

* Utility Lineman & Power Workers

Working with electricity is bad enough, but working with electricity high above the ground is even worse. One wrong decision, and they’ll meet a grisly death by electric shock and crash landing. The linemen required to hang out of a helicopter to complete the job get bonus danger points.

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