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5 Most Weirdest Restaurants Around The World

By: Sandeep Gupta Mon, 27 Nov 2017 11:15:42

5 Most Weirdest Restaurants Around The World

Call it a trippy twist on Newton’s third law of motion (every action always has an equal and opposite reaction), but some people consider eating in a normal restaurant setting a bit odd. They crave the weird, the crazy; the wrong.

In honor of these people we have collated the world’s weirdest restaurants, where food is served in toilet bowls, by monkeys, in the dark, while suspended high up in the sky.

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* Modern Toilet Restaurant, Taiwan

While most respectable people would suggest you don't sh*t where you eat, Modern Toilet flushes that rule right down the loo. Toilets hang on tiled walls, your crockery’s shaped like toilet bowls, and your chocolate ice cream takes the shape of... you know. Hey, at least you shouldn't have any trouble finding the bathroom.

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* Fortezza Medicea Restaurant, Volterra, Italy

At this behind-bars eatery, you’ll be served your one square a day by actual inmates; and you'll eat said meal, fittingly, with plastic cutlery. Or, if you really want to up the ante, head to Latvia where you can pay to sleep in a jail and get treated like a prisoner.

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* Christon Cafe, Tokyo, Japan

With its giant crucifix, stained glass windows, and bizarre Biblical-meets-gothic-vibe, this Tokyo church-themed spot has menus shaped like coffins, and plates creative French-Italian fare.

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* Heart Attack Grill, Las Vegas, USA

One of the few places in Vegas where the food, and the waitresses underdressed like sexy nurses, will raise your blood pressure, this famous hospital-themed joint specializes in artery-clogging, four-patty Quadruple Bypass burgers, and serves anyone who weighs in at over 350lbs for free.

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* Rogue 24, America

Eating out should be a pleasurable experience. A time to relax with your nearest and dearest while eating pork belly. Aaah, pork belly; gimme, gimme, gimme. What it shouldn’t remind you of is school, full of rules and regulations. Patrons of hip Washington eaterie are forced to sign a two-page contract telling them what they can (eat either a 16-course or 24-course tasting menu) and can’t (tweet, text, take pictures and anything else involving a mobile) do. Crikey, some people just like to be abused.

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