5 Must Try Delicious Desserts From Australia
By: Kratika Maheshwari Thu, 30 Sept 2021 7:41:51
Nothing brings people together as food does and trying the local food is a big part of any holiday. Though know to be a land where Vegemite is extensively enjoyed, the land down under is known for some iconic desserts. These desserts are not only visually pleasing but will also be a delight for your taste buds. The list of desserts Australia has to offer is incredible. So, we are going to make it easy for you and introduce you to Australia’s moved loved desserts.
# Pavlova
Named after a ballerina Anna Pavlova, ‘’Pavlova’s are Australia’s quintessential summer dessert. This meringue dessert with a crisp and soft crust, topped with whipped cream and fruit is a house favorite. The dessert comes in a wide range of variations but the chocolate Pavlova with fresh berries is the most popular. The mixture of a crunchy shell and the fluffy marshmallow center this dessert will make you rush for a second slice.
# Lamington
Known as the “National cake of Australia” Lamingtons are sponge cakes dipped in chocolate and topped with desiccated coconut. Anything dipped in chocolate is a favorite but the sprinkle of coconut takes it to a whole other level. These cakes are a delight to enjoy with a nice “cuppa joe”. It’s also a staple in fundraising events as its really easy to make in huge batches.
# Anzac Biscuits
The term ANZAC comes from and is associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. Made up of oats, flour, golden syrup, sugar, butter, baking soda, boiling water this sweet biscuit is popular across Australia and New Zealand. The recipe of these biscuits is protected by law and it cannot be altered if they need to be called ANZAC biscuits.
# Iced Vo-vo
Iced vo-vo’s are to Austarlians is what Chocolate cookies are to Americans. It is a sweet butter biscuit which is topped with a strip of raspberry jam and pink icing which is sprinkled on with desicated coconut. This has been household favourite for afternoon tea parties since the 1960’s.
# Golden Gaytime
Released in 1959 this toffee and vanilla ice cream dipped in chocolate & covered in honeycomb biscuits is a popular Australian dessert. Golden Gaytime is a popular summer treat which will bring out the kid in you and put a smile on your face.