6 Beautiful Cities You Can Explore In Latvia
By: Kratika Maheshwari Fri, 27 Jan 2023 4:59:53
Have you been planning a vacation to a place with a lot of scenic beauty? If yes, then you should try going to Latvia because of its astounding beauty. It is a country with an exclusively beautiful landscape. Why should you think so? It is because of its diversity; it has beaches, and along with that, a visitor could enjoy the beautiful architecture also.
It has not only mesmerized the locals; however, the tourists also fall in love with its beauty at first sight. There are many museums, rich with its culture, churches, with amazing archaic architecture, portraying the old beliefs of man. Therefore, if you want to know more about European culture, the art forms they had in the past, and their old living styles, you should come here, along with your family.
# Liepaja
Liepaja is situated on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. The partial beauty of the city possesses the traditional colors, i.e., half of the town is the traditional center; moreover, the northern part of the city was Russian military town once. Therefore, one of the remarkable features of this city in Latvia is its diversity: the architecture here changes with the place.
Liepaja city in Latvia also acts as a sheath to some of the fantastic beaches. The beaches here appear unique and appealing. It is a great experience to stay within the lap of that warm sand, under the filtered shadow of huge and husky palms, and beside the never-ending shore, experience your feet getting washed off, and fall in love with it.
# Riga
It is undoubtedly one of the most popular cities in Latvia. What could be the best way for tourism? Obviously, on foot! It is because the city is full of beautiful sites, and there would be no fun in moving around the city on any vehicle. Moreover, while walking through this beautiful city of Latvia on foot, you can snap pictures of those beautiful sites for securing them for the future.
Ethnographic Open-Air Museum is the best place for you if you crave to know more about the history and culture of this place. You would find the Vecriga as an architectural beauty of the medieval period; however, most of the architecture here was rebuilt in the 1990s. Therefore, the preservation of culture can be clearly understood here.
# Sigulda
After visiting Riga, your next stoppage needs to be Sigulda, which is approximately at a distance of an hour’s drive. Its scenic beauty is so massive and immense that locals have started attributing it as Switzerland of Latvia. Moreover, if you think that the beauty of the place is fenced only for natural beauty, then you are probably wrong. It is because this place comprises amazing architecture too.
Few other castles seem ruined now, yet their astounding beauty can still amaze anyone. We can just assume by witnessing its current beauty, how beautiful it should have been in the past. These castles include Krimulda Castle and the Sigulda Medieval Castle.
# Kuldiga
Kuldiga is a small town which is located in the country of Latvia. A river runs right between the houses of Latvia, giving the place the nickname of Latvia Venice. If the beautiful river is not enough, Latvia has the widest waterfall in entire Europe. The waterfall, which is named Venta, is humongous with a width of 240 meters (785 feet).
During the spring season, salmons migrate back from the oceans to procreate and jump over the waterfall. Locals superbly catch those fishes.
Tourists can admire the brick bridge that covers the waterfall. However, the bridge was damaged during the second world war; a good part of the bridge is still intact. You can also enjoy traditional singing, as Latvia is famous for choir singing, which brings many people to this town all year long. There are many palaces and castles in Latvia, but many tourists like to camp in Sigulda Forrest and Jurmala near the Baltic sea.
# Cape Kolka
In the far northeast of the beautiful town of Latvia, there is a pristine place known as Slitere National Park. The crown jewel of Slitere National Park is Cape Kolka. Cape Kolka is surrounded by a beautiful body of water and offers a magnificent view. When soviet had control over Latvia during the second world war, the Cape was sealed off for ordinary people and transformed into a military base. The locals abandoned villages in Cape.
Because of the Soviet invasion, abandoned villages provide a unique opportunity for tourists to dial back in time and experience a raw Latvia, which is lost in time. This is one in a lifetime opportunity which tourists don’t miss when they visit. The white dunes and the serine waterbody are truly remarkable.
# Cesis
One of the most historical and old towns of the country is Cesis, which is located in the center of the beautiful Videmeze Upland. The historical value and age of the town is the main reason tourists visit Cesis. The cobblestone streets give tourists the feeling of touring in medieval Europe, which set the tone of quaintness.
Cesis has many magnificent structures, but to top them all Cesis has two castles. The location of the castles is extraordinary. The first among the castles in the original Cesis Castle, which was founded somewhere during the 13th century. The original castle now is in ruin because of age and older construction and is the reason for the construction of a new palace.