It's Not Nile The Longest River. Read 6 Longest River
By: Priyanka Maheshwari Tue, 28 Jan 2020 2:11:43
You may have come with a question in your mind that what is the longest river in the world ? Well it is not just Nile but many other rivers counted in this category. As the river is flowing down, it boots more water from other streams, springs and new water resources. River water carry a lot of nutrition into it and it provides food and home to many habitats.
# Yenisei-Angara River
It is also listed in the category of longest rivers. It is the largest system streaming through Atlantic is also named as Yenisei-Angara. The water resources of Yenisei River passed through Magnolia and Russia. In roman script Yenisei written as Yenisey, Enisei, Jenisej. A lot of renowned fish species found in Yenisei, it includes Siberian sturgeon, Tench, Sterlet Sturgeon, Arctic Flounder, Stone Sculpin, Siberian Gudgeon, Stone Sculpin.
# Tocantins River
Derived from tupi language (spoken by the Tupi people of brazil who lived near the river).It’s the home of several aquatic mammals and reptiles. It shares its water resources with the states, Gotas, Tocantins, Maranhao and para. A very rich range of fish species found in the river such as spectacled caimans, black caimans, and two species of river dolphins, American manatees, yellow-spotted sideneck turtles. It is also enrich in bird diversity, it has 527 known bird species including toucans, hawks, marvelous scarlet macaw.
# River Volga
River Volga is categorize among longest River in Europe in terms of length, discharge and watershed. It is considered as the National River of Russia. 11 out of 20 big cities of Russia, covering its capital Moscow, are occupying in the Volga. The river is filled with very rich species of fish and birds, fish such as Sturgeon species, Whitefish, Herrings, White-eyed bream and endemic Volga lamprey, birds such as Dalmatian pelican, Great white egret and Penduline t*t.
# Yukon River
It is the third longest in North America and longest River in Yukon and Alaska. It shares its water resources with countries such as Canada, United States and with few states I.e. Alaska, Yukon, British Columbia. The huge mammals including black and brown bears; caribou, deer, and moose; and mountain goats and sheep found over there. Timber wolves are easily found, game birds such as grouse and ptarmigan are available, and waterfowl include species of geese, swans, and ducks.
# Rio Grande River
It is considered to be fifth longest River of North America. The Rio Grande basin is a globally significant for freshwater biodiversity. The Rio Grande having 121 fish species, 69 of which are commonly available on the planet.
# Lower Tunguska River
Previously it was written as Tungonska. River Tunguska is basically devided into tree parts The Upper Tunguska, Middle Tunguska and Lower Tunguska.