5 Clever Tips To Keep Your Purse Organized

By: Sandeep Gupta Sat, 28 Oct 2017 12:46:18

5 Clever Tips To Keep Your Purse Organized

Purse, is the most important accessory carried by any women. It hold ample of stuff that we use or might not use. Keeping it organized it always a problem. No matter how many times you clean it, after few days you run short of space to keep your stuff. So, here are some clever hacks to keep you purse organized-

# Clean it

It doesn’t matter how hard I try on a daily basis, by the end of the week, something in my purse is unorganized. The daily hustle and bustle of life can definitely be seen in my purse and that is ok. I just have to make sure I maintain the clutter at least once a week.

# Containerize

This is one of the best things I have learned about organizing my purse. Placing items in separate bags or cases inside your purse keeps things a lot more orderly. For instance, I keep all of my planner accessories in one pouch, all of my cosmetics in a different pouch, and my money, debit, and credit cards in a separate pouch. This helps when I am looking for something particular, like a pen. I don’t have to stick my hand in the bottom of my purse and hope for the best. I know where the pens are located and can go directly to that pouch. This saves time and frustration.

tips to keep purse organized,purse cleaning tips,organizing purse,household tips

# Receipts

Receipts are the number one thing that create clutter in my purse. It is a never ending battle that I have to face daily. I now have a system for receipts, though, that has helped with this issue. I have a specific compartment in my purse where I place receipts. Once I get home from an outting or when I clean out my purse once a week, I take all of the receipts out of the compartment and place them in my receipt file.

# Store loose change immediately

How many times do you go to pay for something in a store, get change, and just drop it in your purse? I know I am extremely guilty of it. It is almost like I don’t want to stop, breathe, and spend a few minutes putting it in a safe place.

Then, when I am doing my weekly purse cleaning out, I have to spend extra time collecting the change and putting it away.

# Have a car supply kit

When I was growing up, my poor mom was a walking medicine cabinet. She had every type of bandaid, toothpick, and medication we might need when we were on the road. I know her back had to kill her everyday after lugging her purse from place to place.

Now, I get to stand in my mom’s shoes. I have kids that I have to take to and from different places and my purse could easily look the way hers did. But, keeping a car supply kit helps with some of these purse issues.

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