5 Easy Tips To Get Rid Of House Flies

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Wed, 01 Apr 2020 6:22:11

5 Easy Tips To Get Rid of House Flies

Flies are common during the spring and summer months and when they get into your house, they can be really annoying. There are many different ways you can easily and effectively get rid of flies in your home. If you have a fly problem at home, try out some of these proven methods to eliminate the indoor flies entirely.

* Set up a Trap Using Dish Soap & Vinegar

One of the best ways to get rid of indoor flies naturally is to use vinegar and dish soap. Grab a small shallow bowl and put about an inch of apple cider vinegar in it. Grab a tablespoon of sugar and put in there and then add some dish soap.You don’t need much either, maybe a few drops. Either cover the bowl or leave uncovered and then you will notice the flies begin to collect in the bowl. The flies are attracted to the sugar vinegar water and the dish soap helps keep the flies stuck in the bowl.

house flies,remedies for house flies,tips to get rid of house flies,household tips

* Create a Fruit Trap with Saran Wrap

You also can use Saran Wrap to make a fruit trap using almost the same method as the dish soap and vinegar trap above. Take a jar and place a little apple cider vinegar and sugar in the jar. You just need to cover the bottom of the jar with the vinegar and then add a tablespoon of sugar.Drop a couple drops of dish soap into the jar and then add Saran Wrap on top of the jar. Put a few holes in the top of the Saran Wrap and then wait for the flies to drop in within hours. The flies get into the jar via the holes but cannot get back out.

* Clear Away Trash Can Content Regularly

Flies love feeding on trash and waste products so it’s important to empty your household trash cans regularly. Whether it’s a bathroom trash can or the kitchen trash can, empty and replace the bags often and also clean out the actual trash can itself regularly.

house flies,remedies for house flies,tips to get rid of house flies,household tips

* Use an Oscillating Fan

If you want to keep the flies away from you the best thing to do is use an oscillating fan. Flies don’t like the wind and they will do anything to get away from it. With oscillating fans, it’s great because you are messing with the flying pattern of the flies and they will want to get away from that wind as soon as possible. Flies can’t really fly or be very comfortable in windy conditions, so it’s awesome if you want to keep them away from you.

* Keep Pitcher Plants in the House

Pitcher plants are great at getting rid of flies and it works really well inside of your house. There are more than 80 different kinds of pitcher plants out there and almost all of them will grow quickly and easily inside of the house. Just fertilize them at the beginning of the growing season and they will be good to go.

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