5 Tips To Help You Beat Shoe Odor

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Tue, 24 Oct 2017 7:38:11

5 Tips To Help You Beat Shoe Odor

Have you ever wondered why there are some places with weird smells? Usually, whenever there is a room with some shoe racks present, it is likely that there is a certain smell that cannot be avoided which is the smell of stinky shoes. Of course, shoes will not become stinky if the feet that wore them were not stinky. A lot of people have this problem every single day but some people choose not to acknowledge it while others have tried to get rid of shoe odor but failed.

# Baking Soda

- After using your shoes, sprinkle a little bit of baking soda on each one.

- Leave on the baking soda on the shoes overnight.

- Take off the baking soda from the shoes in the morning especially if it is already going to be used.

# Essential Oils

- Place the essential oil on the shoe.

- Place papers inside the shoe also in order to help get rid of the smell.

- Leave on the essential oil and paper inside the shoes for about a few hours. Some would prefer to leave it on overnight.

tips to help you beat shoe odor,tips to treat shoe odor,shoe odor,household tips

# Alcohol

- Place enough alcohol on the inside of the shoe. Do remember to avoid placing alcohol on the outer area of the shoes especially if it is made out of leather because this might just proceed in ruining the area.

- Leave the shoe coated with alcohol in an area where enough amount of air can help make the bacteria disappear.

- Do this process as often as possible because this will help eliminate the possibility of bacteria growing at a steady pace.

# Socks

- Make sure that you wear a pair of clean socks.

- Place the socks before putting on your shoes.

- Wash the socks thoroughly after using. You are not recommended to wear the same pair of socks consecutively.

# Foot Washing

- Before placing the feet on the shoes, make sure that the feet are dry.

- After wearing shoes, wash feet thoroughly with mild soap and water.

- Dry shoes well.

- This can be done as often as needed.

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