5 Tips To Keep Kitchen Crockery Stainfree

By: Sandeep Gupta Mon, 11 Sept 2017 06:35:07

5 Tips To Keep Kitchen Crockery Stainfree

Don’t you want to make your kitchen crockery more and more shining without stains and marks. Kitchen crockery includes variety of glass, plates, vessels, spoon, dish and others made from different materials. Keeping kitchen crockery without stains and marks is not as hard as you think. care your crockery items which are easy to get scratch and break while handling. Just try these simple home made kitchen tips to keep it more attractive and beautiful. Your plates, glass, spoon and all other items will be shining as you see in advertisement if you follow this in your daily life practice.

# Before washing glass plates or dish. the waste particles in it should remove well with rubber spoon/cloth/sponge to make it clean without damage. Never use a fork or knife to remove the food waste from the glass dish, plates or glass as it may cause scratch marks in the area.

# After your cooking and food time wash those crockery items as soon as possible, it will be more easy to clean than when it dry after a long time.

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# If there is dried food particle around the corners of the vessels or pales use hot water to wash instead of cold water, it will remove dirt fast even it is dry after a long time.

# To remove the stains and dry food particles from the milk/egg etc you can use cold water than hot water for more effect on wash.

# Once in two week you can wash your all glass and cups in ammonia mixed water to increase the shining and glow of crockery.

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