7 Bad Bathroom Habits That You Should Avoid
By: Kratika Maheshwari Sat, 30 Nov 2024 2:29:13
We are all aware of the infections that can be transmitted from using a dirty toilet, but unknowingly, we often make certain mistakes in the bathroom that can jeopardize our overall health.
Even a clean bathroom can harbor many infections if we don't adhere to essential 'bathroom rules.' Hygiene issues can still persist in what appears to be a spotless bathroom. Bathrooms are prime breeding grounds for bacteria and germs that can negatively affect your health.
From streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli, and shigella bacteria, to the hepatitis A virus, common cold virus, and various sexually transmitted organisms, the germs hiding in the bathroom's nooks and corners can lead to gut infections, lung and skin issues, and viral diseases.
Here are some bathroom habits that could potentially increase your risk of illness.
# Not Closing the Toilet Lid While Flushing
Studies have shown that flushing the toilet can release tiny water droplets into the air, which can spread infections. These droplets can travel up to 6 feet from the toilet seat, and the bacteria in them can linger in the air, creating a germy film around the room that can make you sick.
# Storing Your Toothbrush in the Bathroom Cabinet
Keeping your toothbrush in the bathroom cabinet can prevent it from drying properly, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive. It's best to store your toothbrush upright, outside the bathroom, to keep it clean and dry.
# Not Washing the Loofah
Bacteria thrive in damp environments. Storing a used loofah in the bathroom can cause it to harbor harmful bacteria due to its mesh structure. Avoid leaving it in the bathroom, and make sure to dry it in the sun before the next use. Clean your loofah weekly with soap and warm water, or soak it in diluted bleach for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
# Hanging Towels in the Bathroom
Never leave wet towels hanging in the bathroom. Damp towels can trap infectious bacteria circulating in the room, becoming breeding grounds for bacteria, mold, viruses, and yeast. This can lead to conditions like athlete's foot, warts, and toenail fungus. Always air-dry your towel after use to kill off harmful pathogens.
# Not Switching On the Exhaust Fan
Make it a habit to turn on the exhaust fan. It helps remove moisture and bacteria from the bathroom. Without proper ventilation, bacteria can linger, causing unpleasant odors and increasing the risk of infections.
# Carrying Your Mobile Phone into the Bathroom
Placing your mobile phone on bathroom surfaces allows it to pick up infectious bacteria, which can spread to you when you use it later. Even after washing your hands, disinfect your phone regularly or consider making your bathroom a phone-free zone.
# Not Cleaning the Shower Head
A dirty shower head can undo the benefits of your shower. The damp, dark spaces in the showerhead create a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, which can contaminate the water when you shower. Clean your showerhead every two weeks and let hot water run through it for a minute to reduce bacterial growth.